
Bypassing sanctions against the Russian Federation: Lithuania will transfer the collected penalties for the restoration of Ukraine

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, violation of international sanctions or restrictive measures established by Lithuanian laws, is punishable by a fine of 200 to 6 thousand euros. Russia has learned to circumvent Western sanctions through corruption mechanisms, using the services of intermediaries from third countries and loopholes in trade restrictions.

In order to limit the aggressor to earn restrictions, they decided to fine in Lithuania for non -compliance with international and national sanctions. And the received funds will be transferred to the cooperation fund for the purpose of development for the restoration of Ukraine. About it reports LRT. 99 members of the Seimas voted in favor of the Law on Cooperation for Development and Humanitarian Aid.

According to the amendment, the Fund will be replenished from fines and assets in case of non -compliance with international or national sanctions. The document also clarifies that these funds will be used solely to support Ukraine's restoration and rehabilitation after Russian aggression.

"The goal is to make Lithuania a single contribution to the restoration of Ukraine and demonstrate its solid commitment to support Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression," said the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Jovita unclassified. This amendment will be valid for ten years until January 2034. Unlocked noted that Lithuania would support Ukraine's restoration on its own without waiting for the European Union's decisions or internationally.

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, violation of international sanctions or restrictive measures imposed by Lithuanian legislation, is punishable by a fine of 200 to 6 thousand euros. We will remind, earlier it became known that in the European Union decided to ban Russian diamonds since the beginning of 2024. The journalists learned that non -voluminous natural and synthetic diamonds and diamond jewelry would be banned.