
Not a wall of "Game of Thrones": in the Armed Forces told about the level of protection of fortifications (video)

According to the speaker of Tavriya, Dmitry Likhovia, the defense consists of several levels, which are located at different distances from the front line. The fortifications are located both in the advanced directions and on the second and third lines of defense. Although fortifications play a key role in war, they cannot be an analogue of an impregnable wall from the series "Game of Thrones".

The spokesman of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Dmitry Likhov on the national telephone was told. Likhov noted that many conclusions about the insufficiency of fortifications are created through a negative image that forms Russian propaganda. He noted the work of engineering troops who work around the clock on the creation of fortifications. In practice, these works began before the exit from Avdiivka and continue to this day.

"Most of those conclusions of negative images that are made that we do not have fortifications, unfortunately, work in the direction of Russian propaganda and compromise not only commands, but above all the warriors ", - said the spokesman. He noted that the defense consists of several levels that are located at different distances from the front line.

The process of creating fortifications continues with the participation of regional military administrations, command of the forces of the Armed Forces and engineering units of mechanized infantry crews. "Of course, there is not a lot of fortifications. Everyone wants them to be more. But it should be understood that it cannot be a wall like" game of the thrones.

Reserve positions, platoon strongholds, trenches of hundreds of meters with fire cells, crevices of overlapping, sometimes with armored safety capsules, there are capons for tanks, anti -tank ditches, there are mine barriers, " - explained Likhov. He also noted that such fortifications are located both in the advanced directions and on the second and third lines of defense. These structures are designed to stop the enemy in case of its further offensive in Donetsk region.

It should be noted that the wall in the "Game of Thrones" served as protecting people from "white walks" that could not overcome this obstacle. Recall that The New York Times wrote that Russian troops continue to gradually achieve some success in the Avdeevsky direction. Among the reasons is the deficiency of ammunition and a decrease in Western assistance. But there is another reason - bad fortifications.