
On the eve of the G20 summit: in Brazil want to give Putin immunity from the Pursuing of the ISS

In Brazil, it is believed that the decisions of the International Criminal Court should only apply to countries that are parties to the Roman Treaty. At the same time, the Russian Federation left the agreement in 2016. Brazil advocates immunity to the heads of states that are not parties to treaties such as the International Criminal Court (ICS). This position can contribute to the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the coming summit of the Great Twenty. Reuters writes about it.

It is reported that the position of Brazil on this issue was presented by the International Law Commission in Geneva and set out in the relevant document. The country believes that the immunity of state leaders is needed to promote peaceful relations between countries. "The immunity of state officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction is crucial for ensuring the proper performance of their functions," - says the document.

Brazil claims that the ISS resolutions should only be applied to countries that are parties to the Roman Treaty. At the same time, the Russian Federation left the treaty of 2016. According to the journalists, the document does not mention either Vladimir Putin nor the Summit of the Great Twenty, but the said argument may allow the Brazilian government to ignore a warrant for the arrest of the President of the Russian Federation issued last year of the ISS.

According to journalists, the ISS discusses the immunity of the heads of state since 2007, and it is unclear whether a decision will be made before Brazil will make a G20 summit in November. We will remind, in an interview with December 27, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil Vieira stated that if Russian President Vladimir Putin dare to come to Brazil, then it is likely that the decision would not be arrested.