
"Paid" for weapons for war with Ukraine: the Russian Federation supported North Korea in the UN - AP

The permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vasyl Neenza stated before the vote that Western countries were allegedly trying to "strangle" the DPRK, and sanctions against it are inappropriate. On Thursday, March 28, Russia vetoed the UN resolution, which actually abolishes the control of experts against North Korea's sanctions on its nuclear program. About it writes Associated Press. According to journalists, the sanctions themselves remain valid.

"The vote of Russia has caused the West to be accused of Moscow to hide weapons in North Korea for use in the war against Ukraine, violating sanctions," the material reads. It is reported that during the voting, 13 members of the council voted in favor, but opposed Russia and China refrain. "The resolution of the Security Council would continue the mandate of the expert group for a year, but the veto of Russia will stop its work," the journalists said.

The permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vasyl Neenza stated before the vote that Western countries were allegedly trying to "strangle" North Korea, and sanctions are inappropriate and "detached from reality. " US Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood said after the vote that Russia's veto was nothing more than an attempt by one member of the Council to silence an independent objective investigation into the violation of sanctions against North Korea.

According to him, Russia acted because last year the commission began to report the flashy violation of the resolutions of the UN Security Council by Moscow. The UK Ambassador to Barbara Woodward said that Russian veto had followed agreements with weapons between Russia and North Korea, violating the UN sanctions, including the transfer of ballistic missiles, which were then used for shelling of Ukraine.

Journalists recalled that the Security Council had imposed sanctions after the first test nuclear explosion of North Korea in 2006 and only reinforced them over the years. In total, 10 resolutions aimed at reducing funding and restricting its nuclear programs and ballistic missile programs were adopted. Earlier, the media reported that Russia supplies oil to the DPRK in exchange for weapons.