
The Russians had to catch up: the Armed Forces are ahead of the enemy in the use of drones (infographics)

From May to September 2023, the enemy increased the number of drones and used them quite actively. But the Armed Forces fighters still overtook the Russians by quality. In order to work successfully with FPV-Dron, it is necessary to follow some rules that help Ukrainian fighters to work more effectively with drones than the opponent does. This opinion was expressed by a fighter of a group of M2 aero -intelligence in an interview with journalists.

According to him, quality work with unmanned aerial vehicles is possible only when the whole team is interested in this, among which - communications, drivers, reserve fighters. The number of such a group sometimes reaches 10 people. "To provide quality aero -intelligence is also a very serious work. We have very large results because they provide us with a lot of drones.

Efficiency depends on many factors, but the main thing is command work and a general understanding of how the war is arranged," the military said. His name was not voiced for security reasons. It should be noted that the Ukrainian military truly overtook the armed forces of the Russian Federation for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in hostilities.

The relevant data was published on the social network X (earlier - Twitter) by the GeoconfirMed volunteer - a geolocation platform that highlights real cases in the war in Ukraine. The chart published by the volunteer shows how the number of drones in the Armed Forces increased. To do this, GeoconfirMed analysts have studied the geolocation of places where both parties - Ukraine and Russia - used certain drones from February to September inclusive. The most experts were interested in FPV-therots.

Thus, from February to March, Kamikadze drones were used exclusively by the Ukrainian military, having a complete monopoly in this form of weapons. Russian invaders began to use these drones only in April, and from May to September increased the number of drones and used them quite actively. But the Armed Forces fighters still overtook the Russians in the use of the latest technologies on the battlefield.

For example, in September, the Ukrainian military made more than 250 successful and confirmed strikes of FPV-Dron, and in the account of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-only about 60. "Although the combat value 33% of Ukraine's geolocations obtained with GeoconfirMed UAV, and 26% of all geolocation, ”explained a volunteer of the geolocation platform.

He also said that the study did not include Russian lancet drones, which in 2023 accounted for 1-2% of monthly geolocation obtained by UAV. The diagram shows that the use of drones-Kamikadze fighters of the Armed Forces began in April. And every month the number of drones used of this type has only increased. The most active FPV drones were used by the Ukrainian military in September: their number was almost half of all other drones used on the front.

By the way, an alternative idea of ​​the situation with the use of drones in the Russian-Ukrainian war was presented by the Media Defense Express. The media writes that the above calculations may look at least unconvincing, since there is a message from the fields that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at least "catch up" by the Armed Forces by the intensity drone on the battlefield.

"It is possible to build the following assumption here: probably, for the use of FPV-punks, the occupiers use the same practice as when using" lancets ", that is, when in some areas of the front to scale the effect, or accordingly equipped units of" Army Special Forces ", or specially detachments in "classic" infantry or motorized rifle parts are formed, - the media material reads.

However, some experts agree that the Russians are far behind Ukrainians in the field of dronone and UAVs, experts say. A researcher of the Analytical Center Stimson Center (USA) Kelly Grimo told the fact that the Ukrainian drone production industry is gaining momentum. "According to the Ukrainian side, about 80 companies are engaged in UAV production. Their products are becoming more difficult, the radius of action is further. This is important.

Ukraine views long -range drones as an alternative to long -range means that the West does not want to transmit. We see the results of some projections. , the opportunity to strike in the Russian territory, ”the expert commented on the UAV situation. According to her, at the beginning of the war, the Russian forces lagged behind the drones. They had military developments, but they lagged behind in the use of commercial drones.

Ukraine quickly launched a large -scale campaign for drones, the Russians had to catch up. Now they understand the values ​​of drones and try to catch up with the lost. In August 2023, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine revealed which drones purchased for the Armed Forces. Not only foreign but also 32 Ukrainian UAVs-reconnaissance, shock and drones-Kamikadze are in service with the armies. Recall that Ukraine has increased its own production of some drones by 100 times compared to 2022.