
The United Kingdom and Russia for a year and a half have secret negotiations about Ukraine - the media

According to anonymous officials, the main focus at meetings was on nuclear security and food crisis. Officials of London and Moscow have met in different corners of the world. The United Kingdom could hold secret negotiations on Ukraine with the Russian Federation. This is stated in the material of I News on September 22. According to various sources that shared data with journalists, officials of London and Moscow have been regularly in the dialogue for the last one and a half years.

Their meetings took place in various locations, including Vienna and New York. The negotiations discussed important issues, including the security of the United Kingdom and the entire international community against the backdrop of Russian aggression against Ukraine. The topic of grain deficiency and nuclear safety was also affected. One of the British diplomats in a comment to reporters said that the only question that did not raise London is the peace talks of Moscow and Kiev.

"We have maintained contact and consider it important to maintain open dialogue during the war in Ukraine. We do not conclude peace agreements on behalf of anyone, but it is important to maintain this communication channel open," the message reads. The representative of the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs also confirmed that meetings with Russian officials were indeed, but they were agreed only when it was considered "absolutely necessary".

At the same time, all assumptions that it was made for the end of the war is not true. "The position in any negotiation should be determined by Ukraine and the Ukrainian Government, as Ukraine has to determine its free and democratic future," the anonymous official said. In a comment to journalists, the former scout added that diplomatic talks during the war are essential, especially when the issue concerns nuclear security and food supply.

He would be more concerned if there were no such dialogue, because states almost always support diplomatic communication channels. "All wars end in negotiation, isn't it?" He added. We will remind, on September 14 it was reported that in the Czech Republic warned from the imposition of negotiations with the Russian Federation. According to the Czech Minister of Czech Republic Jan Lipavsky, the West wants to put an end to Russia's ability to expand to the east by force.