
Do not want to depend on China: in the Russian Federation create their motors for combat drones

Sarma, Cyis, Barguzin, Kultuk's power units differ in power and a number of other parameters, however, unknown. The Russian company "Ulan-Uden Instrument-Production Association" (part of Rostekh ") has declared the development of electric engines for combat drones, TASS reports. According to the developers, the engines will have different power, which will allow them to install them on UAVs of different sizes and types.

TASS also writes that the batch of research samples passes factory tests and emphasizes that the power units are collected from Russian components by 100%. The CEO of Ulan-Uzen Instrument-Production Association said that new electric motors were developed in 4 modifications, each of which received its code name "in honor of the Baikal Winds": "Sarma", "Hiis", "Barguzin "," Kultuk ". The power plants are different by power and other criteria, but by which the top manager did not say.

He only cited as an example of Sarma electric motor, which can lead to a drone weighing up to 11 kg. The enterprise is also going to produce motors for servos (servo drive - a mechanism that sets and fixes the working body of the equipment in the specified positions, move it according to the specified program. Move - Ed. ). And in Rosteche added that novelties will help to reduce the dependence of the Russian Federation on Western technologies.