
In Germany successfully tested the laser gun LWD: what a new weapon is capable of

During the tests, LWD was proven against threats from drones and high -speed boats. In the future, weapons can be upgraded even to destroy supersonic missiles. The German naval forces have successfully completed the test of high-energy laser weapons LWD (Laser Weapon Demonstrator), during which its combat effectiveness against different types of goals was proved. This was reported on September 22 by the British edition of Naval News.

The test of the sample created as a result of the joint work of experts of MBDA Deutschland and Rheinmetall companies took place on the German Navy frigate Sachsen during the year. During this time, six LWD test stages have been conducted in more and more complex scenarios in real operating conditions against various purposes.

At the same time, all aspects were taken into account: detection and support (including high -commissioned goals), interaction of sensors, control systems and weapons, possible rules of combat and successful damage to the goals by high -energy laser beam. "LWD spent more than a hundred test shooting on board Sachsen ship and proved that the laser is able to successfully impress goals in maritime circumstances," British observers write.

It is reported that the laser gun is currently undergoing a detailed check, after which it will be transferred to the technical center number 91 Bundesver. And the results of the tests and their analysis will be used to minimize the risks at the possible next stage - the development of a combat laser weapon system.

The preconditions for the creation of the first laser weapon have already been created - both companies have started internal preparation for the stage of development within their scope of responsibility, the authors of the material noted. This type of weapons is a complement to artillery systems and managed missiles and is especially suitable for counteracting the threats of drones, flocks of drones, high -speed boats and possibly missiles at close and very close distances.