
"Magyara's Birds" found a government on Russian FPV-Drones with Optoklone (Video)

The Ukrainian military uses mobile radars to early detect the enemy FPV-kirds at a distance of several kilometers. After detecting the target into the air, the drones-interceptors rise. The Ukrainian military unit "Magyara Birds" has reported a new method of interception of Russian FPV-oules that use whowers. It is about using mobile radars for early FPV-alert alert at a few kilometers. The War Zone reviewers told more about it.

Robert Brody's publication with the call sign "Magyar" published a video of intercepting Russian UAVs on the fiber. Commenting on the frames, analysts explained that after detection of the enemy's FPV-aroma, drones-interceptors, capable of destroying Russian apparatus before they reach their goal, are raised into the air. A distinctive feature of the Russian FPV-oules is the massive feed coil containing a strong but thin cable that connects the drone with the operator.

Thanks to this management, the drone maintains communication even during the flight near the ground and inside buildings, which makes it especially dangerous in combat. Although the Brody did not reveal the exact characteristics of the radars used, it is likely that the KU-band microwave systems are optimized to detect small moving goals. However, according to experts, such devices have a disadvantage - a limited radius of action, which makes them effective only within a few kilometers.

But if such radars are placed on mobile platforms closer to the forefront, they will be able to identify threats and coordinate the actions of the drones-interceptors in a timely manner. Brody emphasizes that the mass deployment of such systems is critical for protecting the front line. The Magyara Birds Commander emphasized that Ukraine needs to urgently deploy mobile radars all over the front at 2-4 km intervals to effectively intercept the enemy FPV.

Moreover, such systems will be useful not only in the battlefield, but also in peaceful regions: they can be installed on military bases and strategic sites. At the same time, their radiation can be detected by the enemy and used for targeting. Therefore, the placement of radars on mobile platforms increases their survival, but does not completely solve the problem.

"However, their need indicates that in the near future, advanced sensors to combat drones will be absolutely necessary everywhere where the troops are present, and especially on the active battlefield," experts summed up. Earlier it was reported that the Russian command was filled with a front line of powerful complexes of radio electronic wrestling, which interfere with the work of Ukrainian intelligence and shock drones.