
Our joint efforts launch a new world tradition of unity, which helps to learn to complete all wars - the speech of the President of Ukraine at the third meeting of advisers to realize the formula of peace in Malta

Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear representatives of the States of Peace! All peoples on earth had to pass through the war. Men and women who returned after battles and did not forget that they had to endure. Children who have been crippled. Families that remained only pain and ashes and tombs instead of relatives. There is no such part of the earth that would not know the spilled in the battles of human blood. Different languages ​​of the world say that the history of mankind is the history of wars.

But I want we can all say one day: from now on, the history of people is the story of only peace. We see such a desire in many sacred books. And the hearts of the world most respond to it. We see such a desire at the heart of international law and the UN Charter. But does the UN Statute work? And here, in Ukraine, in the Middle East, and in Africa, the answer to this question is the crying of mothers who hide their sons and daughters killed by wars, and the despair of children who make orphans.

We can and should give another answer. The world has seen too much blood. Last year, I offered the formula of peace. Ten points that cover all aspects of Russia's aggression against Ukraine and which are based on the principles of the UN Charter, on the world approved by the UN General Assembly. For the passing year, our formula of peace gradually becomes global, because you have all supported it or at least showed an effective interest in working with it. This formula really became common.

What is the main thing to do the formula of peace? Very important things. The first is that the formula of peace provides the full force of the UN Charter to stop aggression against our country and eliminate its consequences, and therefore may later become a model for the same ensuring the full force of international law in the event of other aggression.

Second, the peace formula enables each country to become a leader in their part of peace and play an independent role in the co -creation of peace. And the third: our joint efforts lay a new world tradition of unity - such unity, which, helping to end the war in one country, helps us to learn how to end all wars. Although there are no identical wars, the formula of peace can and should be universal.

A joint plan of implementation is required to reflect not a particular national position, but the position of people, all humanity. Such a joint plan of action should be prepared within our interaction and subsequently go with it to the global peace of peace - the level of leaders - to approve and implement. For the sake of peace. For the sake of the protection of each nation from wars.

And let this result be our common inheritance to humanity! I thank every state and an international organization that are presented here in Malta. In total, nearly 70 world subjects have already joined the processes of peace. Thank everyone! I am grateful to Malta, the Malta Government and every Maltaic for accepting this summit. I am grateful to Denmark for the first meeting in this format that took place in Copenhagen. I thank Saudi Arabia and Jeddy for the development of this format.

I thank all the leaders who addressed the participants of the meeting - personally or sent messages. Mr. President of Finland Ninityo, Mr. President of the South African Republic of Ramafos, Mr. Prime Minister of Japan Kishid, Mr. Prime Minister Bulgaria Denkov, Vatican Representative Cardinal Prodolin, Grand Master of the Malta Order of Montekuppo.