
"Greetings" to the occupiers: The Armed Forces showed exotic C-8p ammunition (video)

The reactive projectile is designed for temporary blinding of the enemy radar. Its use is part of the complex combat missions of the Ukrainian Air Force for the destruction of enemy air defense. Fighters of the 12th Separate Brigade of Army Aviation. Victor General Victor Pavlenko posted an ironic video on December 6, where Saint Nicholas "welcomes" the invaders on the holiday. In the video, a character in church clothing charges the installation of C-8P reactive shells.

Commenting on the publication, Defense Express experts noted that this type of ammunition is not intended for the destruction of hostile forces, but to create obstacles to the work of radar stations of the enemy. Moreover, the framework of combat use of C-8P was published for the first time. Experts have briefly explained the principle of operation of shells.

As soon as the ammunition is detonated, a cloud of metallic fiberglass particles appears in the air, which form an illumination on the screens of radars. Each such projectile can create obstacles to an enemy radar in the area of ​​500 cubic meters. meters. Therefore, the use of this type of weapons makes it possible to safely approach the enemy, for example, to strike with air defense.

"The use of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine provides not only" falling asleep "of the enemy with uncontrollable reactive shells, but much more complex combinations," the observers said. Experts also noted that C-8P ammunition can be equipped with both helicopters and planes of Ukrainian forces that perform combat missions on the front line.