
Russia overtakes the US and Europe from shells. As the Kremlin has been able to survive sanctions and grow production

The Western press notes a sharp increase in weapons production in Russia, despite sanctions. But, according to journalist Orest Sohar, with this the Moscow regime has serious problems in the defense sphere. Rashists are going to produce ammunition more than the US and Europe - a rather sober article of New York Times. On the example of the Rashist military-industrial complex, experts tell about the visible and invisible difficulties of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

Russia bypasses US export control, using its intelligence services and the Defense Ministry, which by smuggling conduct microelectronics and other Western components required for cruise missiles and other high -precision controlled weapons. Transit countries are Armenia and Turkey. Muscovy was forced to sharply slow down the production of missiles and other weapons at the beginning of the war in February 2022 - at least 6 months.

But at the end of 2022, military-industrial production again began to gain momentum. Before the war, the Russian Federation could produce 100 tanks a year; Now - 200. Rushists are going to produce 2 million arts a year - more than the United States and Europe. Mordor production costs are much lower than the event, partly due to neglect of safety and quality. The manufacture of 155 mm of Artsnutard in the Western country costs $ 5,000 to $ 6,000, while the production of 152 mm of Russia-about $ 600.

Muscovites also have vulnerable places: Russian production does not have time at the rate of use of ammunition and loss of equipment. For example, going to produce 2 million ammunition a year, they "released" about 10 million shells last year. This made the Kremlin desperately look for alternative sources to increase its stocks, trying to conclude a weapon agreement with North Korea.

Moscow is faced with a missile fuel deficiency and the main explosive, which is more difficult to carry smuggling than electronic boards. This deficit restrains the Kremlin from an even greater increase in the release of ammunition, rockets or bombs. The increase in military production was expensive for the economy: the Russian Federation has redistributed almost a third of the commercial sector for weapons.

The country is faced with labor deficiency, which also complicates further industrial growth. As for me, the key conclusion of this article is as follows: the West changes the attitude to the war in Ukraine and is ready to recognize (at least indirectly) another mission of his own intelligence - with the calculations of the renewable capacity of the racists. NATO strategists need to re-apply their military strategies, in particular-algorithms for providing their arsenals.