
Putin can arrest: Armenia Parliament ratified the Roman Statute

The official Yerevan signed the Roman Statute in 1999, but the deputies postponed it. According to the results of the voting, Armenia undertakes to comply with the decision of the International Criminal Court on the arrest of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. On Tuesday, October 3, during the Parliament meeting, the opposition groups "Armenia" and "Honor of May" decided not to participate in the discussion of the Roman Statute and left the hall.

However, other members of Parliament made decisions on this issue. About it reports Trend. Az. Armenia signed the 1999 Roman Statute, but did not ratify it. This year, on September 1, the Government submitted to the Parliament a project to approve this Statute. The Roman Statute of the International Criminal Court was ratified on Tuesday. Yes, Armenia undertakes to execute the decision to issue a warrant for the arrest of Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

We will remind, on March 17, the court in Hague issued a warrant for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin, considering him guilty of illegal deportation of thousands of children from Ukraine. So, if the Russian leader now comes to one of the Member States of the International Criminal Court, it should be arrested. Russia stated that such a decision allegedly had no legal consequences for the country and its president.

The representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova stressed that the country did not sign the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and is not obliged to obey it. In turn, the Presidential President Dmitry Peskov said that the warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin is "void" from a legal point of view. Namely, establishing the question of the responsibility of the Russian leader is unacceptable.