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According to the source of journalists, Putin is gaining recognizable faces that...

Putin is ready for elections: the Russian Federation is lists

According to the source of journalists, Putin is gaining recognizable faces that support the war in Ukraine and personally. During the 2018 election, more than 50 million Russians voted in favor of the corresponding processing. In the spring of 2024, the presidential election is to take place in the Russian Federation. The Russian authorities have not officially announced the start of election races.

However, supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin began to look for people who will be agitated by the Russians to cast their voice for this person. About it writes the edition "RBC Russia". The publication refers to an anonymous source from Putin's environment, tangent to the heads of three subjects of the Russian Federation. According to anonymous explanations, officials are preparing to nominate a "candidate from power" - that is, the current president.

For this purpose a week ago, they sent a special task to the regions where it was already fulfilled. It is indicated that this indicates the start of the Kremlin head election campaign. The governors have compiled a list of local celebrities who have a chance to become Putin's "trusted persons. Candidates for entrusted persons must meet a number of criteria. In particular, have high recognition, maintain war and be true to the Kremlin's current head.

Also among the requirements are "high ability to learn. " After the selection of candidates, they really expect training, the source of RBC told. They will be taught to keep public debates. They should also learn the "basic content of the election campaign and the values ​​that the candidate protects. " In 2018, during the previous elections, Putin's interests represented 476 proxy - athletes, actors, singers, TV presenters and more.

At that time, 77% of the Russians who came to the polls - 56 388 619 people. That is, with the policy of the current head of the Kremlin agreed every second Russian (the total number of Russians with the right of voice - 108 520 539 pas. ). According to Komersant, Vladimir Putin plans to announce his participation in the 2024 presidential election in November. It should be noted that the Russian Presidential Elections should take place on March 17, 2024.

In the event that there is a second round, it will take place in 21 days - April 7, 2024. In order for the election campaign to start, the Council of Russia's Federations should be announced 100 days before the voting date - that is, this must be approximately December 12, 2023. Vladimir Putin celebrates his birthday on October 7 - he should be 71 years old. As he and his supporters plan to celebrate this date was not officially reported.

However, experts noted that at that time, civil defense training will take place in the Russian Federation, which imitate the consequences of nuclear strike. The election of the President of Ukraine, if announced by the Verkhovna Rada, should take place on April 21, 2024. Deadline to announce elections that are impossible under the conditions of martial law - October 4, 2023. Zelensky's wife on September 25 stated that she did not know if her husband would want to put forward her candidacy.