
Putin stated that the head of state in Ukraine should be Stefanchuk

In his explanations, the Kremlin head referred to one of the articles of the Constitution of Ukraine. Russian President Volodymyr Putin stated during his visit to Uzbekistan that, given the fact that the five -year term of the presidency of Vladimir Zelensky ended, and new elections are not held, the authorities in Ukraine, according to him, should go to Parliament and his speaker Ruslana Stefanchuk. About it reports "Medusa".

In his explanations, the Kremlin head referred to one of the articles of the Constitution of Ukraine. According to Putin, the Constitution provides for the continuation of powers, but not the President, but the Verkhovna Rada. The law on martial law allows not to hold elections, but this does not provide for the extension of powers. In this case, the presidential powers must be delegated to the speaker of Parliament. Putin also added that this is a preliminary grade and a deep analysis is needed.

In his considerations, he referred to Article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine. "There is Article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which says that in this case (the absence of the presidential election - ed. ) The powers of the supreme power, in fact presidential powers, are transferred to the speaker of Parliament," Putin said.

But in fact, the content of the article is somewhat different: "The President of Ukraine can be removed from the post of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the order of impeachment in the event of a state betrayal or other crime. " But Article 112 states that in the case of early termination of powers of the President, the performance of his duties for a while before election goes to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada.

The Constitution also provides for five cases in which the exercise of powers before admission to the post of new president may cease: resignation, inability to exercise powers for health reasons, impeachment, death. According to the head of Parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk, those who doubt the legitimacy of President Zelensky during martial law are enemies of Ukraine. Such persons spread lies, says Speaker Stefanchuk.

The speaker referred to Article 108 of the Constitution, which regulates the term of office of the President. It is about joining the post of new chosen president. "Not as scary external lice as their inner nits," he added. According to Vladimir Zelensky, citizens of Ukraine know their constitution, and the statements of "illegitimate president of the Russian Federation" are boring and uninteresting. He also added that such words of Putin are not very affected.