
The media writes that American-transgender from the Armed Forces again wants to become a man: her reaction (video)

Former Armed Forces Sarah Ashton-Sirillo Sarah began to appear more often on her social networks without long hair, which raised some issues in society. A number of media and Telegram channels reported that the former speaker of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, transgender Sarah Ashton-Sirillo allegedly wants to change the gender again. The focus found out if it really was.

In recent days, Sarah Ashton-Sirillo has started publishing her photos and videos without long hair on the social network Instagram, which society has reacted. So, on October 20, political activist Jack has wrote in his X (Twitter) that the American transgender probably decided to change the gender. "It seems that Ukraine's former spokeswoman is now changing the gender because the support of war in Ukraine is curtailed," he wrote.

Also, information about the likely change of gender appeared in Telegram channels and Russian media. On her social network X (Twitter), Sarah Ashton-Sirillo responded to Jack Post-Jack's publication and said she was not planning to change the gender. She also did not ignore the activist's words about the support of the United States of Ukraine. According to Sirillo, US support for Ukraine is a long partnership. Users X (Twitter) supported the former Armed Forces speaker in the comments.

In particular, one woman asked why the others were so obsessed with Sarah, because she was just cut. While the other girl asked whether she was believed to change the gender when she decided to cut her hair. "Sarah, I decided to stop dyeing my hair, and to speed up this, I cut my long hair. Does this mean that I changed the gender? They are definitely obsessed with you, Lol," she wrote.

Recall that in August 2023, the transgender from the United States Sarah Ashton-Sirillo became the speaker of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was reported that she will be engaged in the English -speaking project of the forces of the terroboron Russia Hates the Truth (Russia hates the truth), which is focused on American and European audiences. In particular, the main purpose of the project is to counteract Moscow's propaganda.