
Stress, prices and blackouts: Ukrainians told how their menu changed during the war (survey)

Due to the constant stress against the background of war, Ukrainians began to change their food preferences. In particular, they began to choose more affordable products, cook more often at home, and eat less sweet, fish and seafood. Almost half of the inhabitants of Ukraine (49% of respondents) confirmed that with the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Russia, they have changed food habits. Among the young people surveyed, this figure is 54%, according to the Gradus Research survey.

Researchers reported that they conducted a questionnaire in their own mobile annex among 1000 respondents who are residents of cities with a population of more than 50,000 people aged 18 to 65. The survey was not conducted in the occupied territories and in the regions where active fighting. Respondents indicated that their change in nutritional habits were the key factors, prices, prolonged stress and attacks by Russian invaders with appropriate consequences.

In particular, stress is the first (83%) among the factors that affect the food behavior of the respondents. Due to constant emotional exhaustion and stressful states, 49% feed on irregularly, while 42% of those surveyed consume more unhealthy foods, and 41% have reduced appetite. Also, 41% of respondents miss some meals, and 19% of respondents admitted that they started drinking more often.

Researchers from Gradus Research have said that with increasing prices, 64% of those surveyed choose cheaper products, and 48% more often prepare food at home. At the same time, 77% of respondents of the age of 56+ are forced to cut the budget for food. Researchers from Gradus Research have confirmed the transition of Ukrainians to colder food due to constant shutdown of electricity, heating and water. 59% of respondents prefer long -term storage products, and 50% went to cold food.

Also interviewed by Ukrainian citizens noted that they began to deny themselves a number of products. In particular, 49% refuse confectionery, 48% - fish and seafood, and only 11% of respondents are forced to save on basic products - bread, oils, flour, cereals, vegetables and eggs. "Life in the war and Blackout experience have made Ukrainian consumers hardened. People are restructuring their diet and adapting habits.

At the same time, a third of the respondents have alternative power sources, another third has alternative warming up and cooking. a point or country in the case of protracted blackouts, " - comments the director of the research company Gradus Research, sociology Yevgeny Bliznyuk. We will remind, Focus reported that 83% of Ukrainians believe in the war against the Russian Federation.