
"Strengthen our determination" in the United States reacted to a massive shelling of Ukraine

The American Ambassador to Ukraine Bridjite Brinka called the inviolable attacks in Ukrainian cities "especially horrible" in the winter. The United States Ambassador to Ukraine Bridjit Brinka has commented on a massive rocket strike of the Russian Federation Armed Forces on Ukrainian cities on the eve of New Year. Accordingly, the diplomat was published on her Twitter page.

"For the third time this holiday week, Russia has carried out non -decor of Ukrainians, striking houses, hotels and other civilian objects," Bridjit Brinkk writes. According to the American diplomat, the Russian Armed Forces missile strokes on the civil infrastructure of Ukraine are added to Ukraine and the United States of determination in winter. "These attacks, especially terrible of this time of year, only exacerbate the determination of both brave Ukrainians and ours," Brink said.

On Saturday, December 31, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation released more than 20 winged missiles in the territory of Ukraine. As a result of the shelling, they caused damage to civilian objects in Kyiv, Khmelnitsky, Nikolaev and Zaporozhye. According to the mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klitschko, the houses of two schools from the Solomenskiy district of the capital were injured from the rocket attack, and one in Pechersk.

It is also reported to damage the kindergarten building in Solomenskiy district. According to the head of the city, these objects were without casualties. In total, 20 people were injured in the Ukrainian capital, 14 of whom were hospitalized. There is also information about one dead. Earlier, we wrote about the reaction of the international community to the massive missile firing of Ukraine on December 29.

At that time, US Ambassador Bridjite Brink condemned the Russian Federation and thanked the Ukrainian Air Forces. Focus also reported that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy responded to the shelling on December 31. The commander -in -chief appealed to the Russians, saying that Vladimir Putin was hiding behind the backs of his servicemen.