
Even Russians criticized: the Russian Federation presented a new PCZ machine gun (photo)

Perm designers offered a compact machine gun, but in fact came upgraded PCM with a number of disadvantages, written in Russian media. In Russia, a new PCZ machine gun was presented, which was developed by Perm designers. It should replace PCM. About it reports the Russian magazine "Kalashnikov". The PCZ machine gun was presented in Perm, which should be transferred to the war for hostilities against Ukraine in the assault troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The design is aimed at increasing the efficiency by reducing the size of weapons. However, the Kalashnikov PKM machine gun is based on, so the journal criticizes design decisions. The machine gun itself has a 7. 62-mm caliber and the novelty is rather a set of modernization than new development. It offers a set of details to shift the handle of control of fire with a trigger, a trickle with bugs and a barrel with collimator sights.

The founder of the project Andrei Laba Malkov has no license to develop weapons, so the trunk was implemented at third -party sites, namely at the Russian University of special forces, where tests are also being conducted. With the decrease in the barrel and the transfer of the handle will make a smaller machine gun, but it makes no sense, they write in the magazine. Changing the size will lead to the extraordinary parameters of the flame and sound pressure on the muzzle section of the barrel.

This will potentially lead to unstable automation due to the proximity of the muzzle cut to the gas opening. He will also be tested for the intensity of the fire again because of the change in size. A separate question is the lack of aiming means on PCZ. The collimator sight may break or fail. Therefore, there should be an option with a mechanical sight. As a result, the author believes that PCZ will remain at the level of idea.