
Collects drones "in the kitchen": a girl from Chernivtsi handed over 70 UAVs (photo)

Violetta Oliynyk learned to make unmanned bombers and percussions as instructed, ordering most of the details in China. Ukrainian Violetta Oliynyk from Chernivtsi, who independently collects drones, sent 71 drones to the front for the Front forces. She wrote about it on her Facebook page on April 30. Violetta showed drones from a new party, noting that she collected them according to the instructions provided by the Dron initiative. According to her, these UAVs can carry 1.

5 kilograms of reference and have a range of 17 kilometers. In addition, the girl sent a military seven-kamikadze military and one eight-inch bomber. In a comment, she noted that a 71 drone would be enough for one unit for only 2-3 days of hostilities, but this is not a reason to stop work. "Soon they will work, and in my queue the next drones, and big and small," the girl wrote.

In an interview with January 28, Violetta said that before the full-scale war she worked as an artist-yoveller, but for more than a year and a half she has been a volunteer: she collects money, buys things on the front and collects UAV for the unit where her father and brother serve. In order to collect drones, she has passed a special course. "It is not difficult to collect drone. It is necessary first of all tools: soldering iron, double -sided adhesive tape, clippers, solders.

All the details are mostly ordered in China. If the guys on the front of the drone are urgently needed, then the details can be bought in Ukraine, but it is more expensive," She noted. According to Violetta, the assembly of one drone goes one day, and then you need to adjust it with a special program on the computer. Dron Kamikadze with a battery cost almost 17 thousand hryvnias, and Dron bomber-about 19 thousand.

The publication of Violetta was reacted by the Head of Air Intelligence Support Maria Berlinskaya, noting that everyone can create a drone for the destruction of enemy equipment. According to Berlin, "drones in the kitchen" is her idea that has been criticized on the network in his time. "Today, 25 thousand people are registered for our course FPV.

Thousands of drones go to the front, tens of millions of dollars are destroyed by Russian equipment, production is launched, the technological culture of society is being launched," Berlin wrote. Recall that in October last year the Ukrainian project Victory Drones launched a program that enables people without engineering education to collect shock drones for the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

The project offers courses for civilians, in particular, engineering online program "People's FPV" and "UAV engineer. Basic course". It should be noted that the opinions about the assembly of drones at home were divided - some have recognized this approach ineffective.