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The potential of the gas industry increases even despite the war. This allows ou...

Gas production in Ukraine: How did the situation change during the war

The potential of the gas industry increases even despite the war. This allows our country to give up the import of "blue fuel" in the future. Since the beginning of 2023, the daily production of gas by the state company "Ukrgasvydobuvannya", which is part of Naftogaz of Ukraine, has increased by 3. 31 million cubic meters. This is the highest in the last three years - since June 2020, the press service of the Naftogaz group reported on September 8.

This result was achieved during the war due to the fact that since the beginning of the year there were 54 new gas wells that have already been put into operation. "The increase in average daily production will allow us to exceed the result of the year in the previous two years. It should be noted that according to the results of 2022 the company drilled 47 new wells. At the same time, the drilling people conquered two records of drilling within the lunar and daily passage.

At the same time, natural gas (commodity) was produced 2. 5 billion cubic meters. This is 3% less than for the entire 2021 year. We will remind, on August 29 it became known that the company opened a new deposit with gas reserves of about 1 billion cubic meters. The oil and gas area was studied "from scratch", the deposit on it was opened with a well with a depth of almost 4 thousand meters. It has obtained an industrial inflow of gas - more than 100 thousand cubic meters. m.

"This is already another opening of new hydrocarbon deposits made by our geologists over the last year. The study of the site has actually" from scratch. At the same time, Alexey Chernyshov, the chairman of the board of Naftogaz, reported on August 15 that the state -owned company "Ukrgasvydobuvannya" studies two new wells, with the help of which natural gas production has already increased by 430 thousand cubic meters a day.

By the way, Ukraine plans to abandon import gas this year as Alexei Chernyshov explained, in Naftogaz there is a strategic goal. "Increasing domestic production is our strategic goal, and we must deal with it. It is not just a matter of business is a matter of survival and independence of Ukraine," he said in February this year. Also recently, focus wrote that part of the Donetsk region will remain without heating in winter.