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Technically, avocado is a fruit! It contains important nutrients, reduces the ri...

Superfruct. Top 7 beneficial avocado properties for your health

Technically, avocado is a fruit! It contains important nutrients, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity. Well, what is not superfruit? Avocado is a unique product! And it is unique not only in the content of healthy fats, but the fact that it consists of about 20 vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. Those who have an avocado in the diet consume more fiber, vitamins E and K, magnesium and potassium than those who do not eat it.

Here are seven useful avocado properties for your health. Health writes about it. The idea that fat consumption leads to weight gain is false. Eating healthy fats is a reasonable weight management strategy. Vegetable fats, such as avocados, provide the body with antioxidants and fight inflammation. Regular use of avocado can help maintain a healthy weight, even without cutting the daily rate of calories.

Those who regularly consume avocados tend to adhere to a more nutrition diet, consume more vegetables and fruits and less refined products, and have less body weight and lower waist volume. Avocado consumption protects your heart, improving the lipid profile. The use of one avocado per day for five weeks reduces the total cholesterol, the level of "bad" cholesterol (low -density lipoproteins or LPNG) and increases the level of "good" cholesterol (high density lipoproteins or HDL).

In addition, avocado is a great source of potassium - a trace element that helps to reduce blood pressure. If you have type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance, the higher the blood glucose, the more your body produces insulin to reduce sugar. Avocado adding to the diet can prevent rising insulin and blood glucose after eating. Avocado use on a permanent basis helps to reduce abdominal fat as well as visceral fat.

Visceral fat accumulates on the abdominal organs and is associated with a high risk of type 2 diabetes. Avocado combination with other products will help your body to absorb more antioxidants. For example, a combination of avocado with tomato sauce and carrots increases the absorption of vitamin A, which is an important nutrient for healthy skin, vision and immunity.

People who regularly consume avocados tend to consume more vegetables, fruits and whole grain products and, as a result, consume much more nutrients: avocado has a positive effect on the gut glue, where trillions of microorganisms and their genetic material live. Healthy gut microbioma strengthens the immune function, fights inflammation and protects against chronic diseases.

During 12 weeks of regular use of avocados, positive changes in the gut microbioma and an increase in the total amount and variety of germs that support its health. This fruit is rich in phytochemical substance called lutein-a pigment associated with beta-carotene and vitamin A. It is possible that you know lutein as one of the two major carotenoids found in the retina. Another place that contains lutein is the brain.

In the elderly, the use of one avocado a day for six months helped to improve memory. However, the intake of supplement with lutein did not produce the same results, so avocado contributed to the better work of the brain. As noted earlier, avocados are rich in antioxidants. It has been found that avocado pulp extracts have anticancer properties. An extract containing several antioxidants, including lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene and vitamin E, stopped the growth of prostate cancer cells.