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The suburbs of the capital in the first days of a large -scale invasion took on ...

"The Russian said there would be nothing in Bucha's place, so I did not leave in vain." Svetlana Yakovenko's war

The suburbs of the capital in the first days of a large -scale invasion took on a devastating blow of the invasion of Russian fascists. Bucha, Irpin, Borodyanka. For every destroyed house, there is someone's tragic history of war, injury or even death behind every burned car. One of these stories is the chronicle of the occupation weeks of the family Yakovenko from Bucha: 44-year-old Svetlana and her mother and father.

After surviving in the cold basement the worst days in their lives, Yakovenko miraculously escaped from the occupation, but even after that breathing of close death did not retreat. This story is about iron family cohesion that helps to find the way to life. Svetlana has ancient disability. At the age of two years, she has problems with the spine.

All childhood and adolescence, the woman conducts in specialized schools, sanatoriums and medical institutions, because of this, when she was fastened, even began to call herself a "state child". Svetlana's mother is Hope, also had health problems: she has two strokes, has a sugar diabetes, and also overcame the third stage cancer. Actually, for the period of recovery after a serious illness, and the beginning of a great war for the Yakovenko family began.

In the first days of the invasion, the Russians occupied Bucha, and Svetlana with her parents had to move to a cold basement. "They could not warm up for a long time, there was no normal sleep. Of course, the door almost broke. It flew to the garden, there, incidentally, had a lot of stretch marks: they were sitting at neighbors, and probably feared that no one was afraid of them got out. I didn't have any fences left on the street: they rolled up and tanned.

I was afraid that they would just be killed. They could stand opposite the window and direct the weapons out of the windows. Here you think: they will be shot out now, they will be blown away And you will not have time to jump out. " But the worst part is that the mother of women needed medicines that were impossible to find in the chaos of war.

"You understand that the medicine is over, you will not take them anywhere and no one will help you and begin to appear thoughts what to do if the mother does not? Meanwhile, Bucha became more dangerous: murder, torture, rape, and execution of civilians. However, Svetlana says that sitting with her parents in the basement without communication, did not even know about that genocide.

"Since I am a person with a healthy psyche and with my head I have everything in order, I couldn't even think that a person can do it, who would not be," explains Svetlana Yakovenko. "This information is that people disappear products or water was on Facebook, but I thought they gave ad and then simply did not remove it when the disappeared returned. The men disappeared mostly and then these men were found with tied hands tortured in cellars and cellars.

I think that I think what The Russians with such thoughts and came here that they would create what they wanted. They were allowed. And maybe they knew that they would not return alive, so they did what was done as last. For example, a girl with parents, Donetsk, fled to Bucha , bought an apartment here, and then found it raped, without fingers - and half of the head was not, probably so shot that half a skull was demolished. And this is a young, beautiful girl . . . I think, their fate is overtaken.

" It is clear that it was necessary to leave. But how to do it when no "green" corridors for civilians and language were not, and the Russians cynically shot the columns of people who went to evacuate from the city without removing their finger from the Hashet, even despite the inscriptions of "children" on the car. But when the Russian soldiers came directly to the house of Yakovenko, the options for the occupation were not left.

"I didn't understand why I should go with a white bandage in my yard. In my yard, in my private home, on my land, for some reason, I have to listen to that it was heard to me. We looked at the documents, mobile phones. And I had a phone almost discharged and I did not want to give it to be able to stay in touch somehow. Or may it be "not in a way. " After getting out of the basement, grabbing a cat's bag, the documents and the most necessary things, Yakovenko's family decided to evacuate.

"At the checkpoints checked the documents, we opened the trunk, all the time the father had to go out and was very scary, because behind the ork stand with the machine, and that in his head - no one knows. The father was constantly silent on the road, "Svetlana remembers horror. The family was evacuated to the Khmelnytsky region, where it was sheltered just by strangers. It seemed all the worst behind . . . But no! After a while, Svetlana's mother had incomprehensible aunts.

Diagnosis of doctors stunned - gangrene! Due to the long stay in the cold basement, the limb was frostbite. Yakovenkov has to return to the capital again, because only here doctors give a chance to salvation. But hope for Nadiya Yakovenko is ghostly. Due to the "bouquet" of chronic diseases, the necessary surgery is a deadly risk. "Doctors said the direct text at the Consilium that the mother will not survive this operation, will not come out of anesthesia," Svetlana says.

And what is the way out? After all, if not operated, it is a guaranteed death. Fortunately, Nadiya Yakovenko managed to withstand his leg amputation and survive. Now Svetlana is trying to encourage her mother. "I tell her that there is no other way out, you still have a leg hurt, and so there will be a prosthesis that will not hurt," the woman explains. But then another blow was waiting for Yakovenko. The family house in Bucha was completely destroyed.

"The neighbor called me and said," Svetlana, hold on "and sent a photo. When I looked, I took my language and breathe nothing," Svetlana recalls. However, the wanderings, which have had to go through the war, are treated with endurance. "I had orcs in the house, the house was destroyed, my mother was injured . . . I thought that fate had prepared some cap, otherwise you would not say. I didn't have the strength. Svetlana Yakovenko.