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The Firefox browser is now unavailable Planetvpn, FastProxy, Censor Tracker and ...

After "persistent requests": Mozilla has blocked in the Russian Federation bypassing blocking

The Firefox browser is now unavailable Planetvpn, FastProxy, Censor Tracker and Runet Blocine. The Mozilla community called this step "temporary". The Mozilla community has limited access to the Russian Federation to a number of Firefox extensions that the Russians used to bypass Internet blots. About it writes the Russian portal "Kommersant".

In the official Mozilla catalog for users from the Russian Federation, Planetvpn, FastProxy, as well as Censor Tracker's Internet Blocking and "Runet Blocing", are now unavailable. If you open their pages in the Firefox extensions in Russia, the message appears: "The page is not available in your area. " In addition to the extension pages, files that are installed in browser that have an extension . xpi are not available directly.

The creators and users of the mentioned extensions have reported a problem at the Mozilla Support Forum. The developers of the expansion of "Runet blockers" also stated in a comment to the publication that neither Mozilla nor Roskomnadzor warned them about blocking the services. Mozilla told reporters that the decision to block the mentioned extensions in Firefox was made at the request of Roskomnzor. The company also claims that restrictions are "temporary".

"After recent regulatory changes in Russia, we began to receive persistent requests from Roskomnadzor demanding to remove five extensions from the Mozilla extension store. After careful consideration, we temporarily restricted their accessibility in Russia," Mozilla said. We will remind, in March 2022 the Tver court of Moscow banned social networks in Russia and Facebook "for extremist activity".