"About 326,000 Russian soldiers are now fighting in Ukraine," he said. Budanov also reported that, according to Ukrainian intelligence, about 9% of all missiles of the "caliber" missiles, which were before the armed aggression against Ukraine, remained. In addition, GUR chairman has believed that Russia would not go to nuclear weapons, even if the war in Ukraine is lost. He noted that all such statements from Russian speakers are the tactics of intimidation.
"Russia is a country that can be expected, but not outright idiocy. Sorry, but it won't happen. The nuclear blow will not only lead to Russia's military defeat, but also collapse. And they know it well," he said, "he said it Budanov. We will remind, earlier Focus informed that on January 31 Kirill Budanov stated that, according to him, Russian President Vladimir Putin is terminally ill with cancer. In addition, the Kremlin head has several doubles.
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