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Pro-Russian hackers often attack Ukrainian Telegram channels, but there are seve...

Focus has suffered a spam-attack of Russian bots in Telegram: Expert Tips on how to protect against such attacks (screenshots)

Pro-Russian hackers often attack Ukrainian Telegram channels, but there are several ways to solve this problem. Focus has recently been spam-attack by pro-Russian bots in Telegram messenger. However, this phenomenon can and should be combated - the focus will tell you how. During spam attacks, the channels receive many messages at one time. Both personal accounts and channels of different organizations, media, public figures and more can be shot. The purpose of the attacks is diverse.

For example, Russian hackers can attack any Ukrainian media to create the illusion of discontent of readers with the content that publishes the channel, or to cause distrust of the source of information. If the attack is carried out on the channel of the leader of the thought, then it can be pressed psychologically to close the channel. KR employees.

Laboratories, Digital Laboratory of Information Technology and Digital Solutions, recommend complaining about spam messages, phishing and other types of attacks at this address: https:///t. me/spambot. You can also find the Groups & Channels section to ban other users of adding an account to different groups and channels. Personal Telegram-channel owners should not activate People Nearby options and make myself visible (make themselves visible).

The thing is that the messenger receives access to the user GPS coordinates and identifies the coordinates of other users active in Telegram. Whether this data is stored on the messenger servers is definitely not known, but in KR. Laboratories say that these simple functions can be conducted by Geoint.

For this purpose, malefactors can use Fake GPS Location, or other similar to specify specific coordinates on the map and using Telegram to track users and even groups according to the coordinates given. So hackers can monitor the predictable victim, use phishing, intercept calls and messages. Cybercriminals can use utilities like Telegram Spammer. This is a paid spam-attack tool on a target account or group in Telegram.

Therefore, to prevent spam-attacks in the messenger, you should set up your account by limiting the range of users who can send a message. Be sure to report the violation by contacting the Telegram administration with spam complaints. Do not respond to spam messages personally, as any reaction can provoke additional attacks. In cases of attacks on organizations, media, businesses, etc. accounts, you should seek legal assistance or security services.