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According to Lieutenant General, one drone can use 10 times less shells on one d...

Very economical: Sergey Naev told what Western air defense is better than Soviet - ABS News

According to Lieutenant General, one drone can use 10 times less shells on one drone than the Soviet one. It should be borne in mind that it is more expensive and modern. Ukraine has the opportunity to knock down Russian drones-Kamikadze Shahd-136 with various air defense means. Among the means are Western attitudes and old Soviet ones. In this case, Western systems show better efficiency.

Lieutenant General Sergey Naev, in an interview with ABS News, told about the Western installations better than Soviet. Agency journalists visited the Secret Training Center for the preparation of mobile fire groups of the Armed Forces, which are preparing to counteract Russian UAVs. At the same time, they noted that the fighters use a weapon, which is twice as old as them.

Sergey Naev explained that at the disposal of the Ukrainian air defense forces there are more and more Western systems, although the old Soviet ones are also used next to them. The article does not give the names of these systems. However, they give an assessment given by Lieutenant General to the weapons that they counteract Russian UAVs and rockets. According to him, that Western weapons are efficient and economical: it uses 10 times less shells to hit the target than the old Soviet one.

"The goal for which the old Soviet technologies needed to spend 100 shells-it takes much less to Western technologies, and it is measured in numbers up to ten, so technology is always prevalent. And I will emphasize again that this assistance is very, very important for us" . During training in the eyes of journalists, six crews were launched on a training model, which was launched for training.

After a long cannonad, they checked the result - the device was not knocked down and it was landing, having several holes, the media reported. If a similar result was during the attack of Russian drones-Kamikadze, then expensive Western air defense systems would have to be connected. Each rocket launch would cost 100 times more expensive than ShahED-136, told reporters. However, if you miss the UAV, it will cause more damage.

The article reminds that Russia could collect more than 870 rockets of various types during anomalous warm autumn. At the same time continued to run the drones-Kamikadze massively-about 800 pcs. In order to counteract them, hundreds of mobile groups are created in Ukraine, which must learn to counteract them effectively. General Nayev stressed that the Ukrainian Air Forces need a technological advantage that Western systems have.

"We, with the help of our partners, receiving the means of air defense from them, oppose the Russian Federation with their resources. It should be understood that reducing assistance will really hit our defense capability. But we will fight what is," the Ukrainian officer said. It should be noted that on the night of November 25, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a record number of drones-Kamikadze Shahd-136-75 pcs.

At the same time, the air defense fighters were also able to dispose of a record number of targets - 74 pcs. On the night of November 26, the attack of the Russians was 8 times weaker - nine drones were traced in the sky over Ukraine. Of them, eight pieces were shot down by Ukrainian fighters. Meanwhile, the media estimated the number of drones that Russia launched in Ukraine in the first ten weeks of autumn, and the number of drones that managed to knock down the Air Forces.