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Russian pilots are afraid to fly too close to the front line because of the satu...

The paratroopers of the Armed Forces showed how Ukraine's sky from Styinger's MAS (Video)

Russian pilots are afraid to fly too close to the front line because of the saturation of the Ukrainian air defense and the AFCC. The paratroopers-rankings of the 77th Separate Airmobile Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of Ukraine successfully protect the sky from Stinger MAS and thanks to other weapons. On Facebook, the unit's press service announced the details. Fighters in one of the areas of combat missions continue to effectively destroy the military equipment of Russian invaders.

Defenders noted that one of the main tasks is to prevent the work of planes, helicopters and drones of the enemy. Stinger's portable anti-aircraft missile system, Vladimir stated that at the beginning of the war the situation was more difficult, as Russian pilots felt safe in Ukraine's airspace. Now they are afraid to fly too close to the front line. When preparing for shooting, fighters try to find shelters. If there is no armor nearby, they try to arrange positions on their own.

"I made a start, after that I wanted to," he added, commenting on the use of MAZRC. FIM-92 Stinger-portable anti-aircraft missile complexes that have been produced in the United States since 1978. The complex is designed to dispose of air targets at a height of 180 m to 3. 8 km. Cost-about $ 60-70 thousand. Ukraine has begun to receive this type of MSC from the first days of the war, in particular - from the United States. As of March 2022, there were almost 2 thousand units in the year.

In addition, a certain number of these systems are received in the help packages that are received from the US government during the war of the Armed Forces. We will remind, on September 2, the Fighters of the Armed Forces showed how the X-101 missile was successfully knocked down from Styinger. The air defense fighters destroyed two air targets within two weeks. With the help of Stinger MAZRC, they managed to hit the X-101 rocket and Dron-Kamikadze Shahd, which threatened the Ukrainian capital.