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In the foreign policy department of Slovakia protest against the words of the ch...

Slovakia's Foreign Ministry accused Russia of intervention in elections: in the Russian Federation reacted

In the foreign policy department of Slovakia protest against the words of the chief of Russian intelligence Sergey Narishkin about elections. The Embassy of the Russian Federation called the accusations of the Slovak side "artificially built". The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic has summoned the ambassador of the Russian Federation in connection with the statements of the Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin on elections in Slovakia.

This is stated on the official page of the department on Facebook. The Foreign Ministry was protest against the statements of Russian intelligence representatives, who question the honesty of elections in the country. "We consider such a deliberately widespread misinformation inadmissible interference with our electoral process," the statement reads.

The foreign policy department also called on Russia to stop the spread of misinformation about Slovakia, as it worsens relations between countries and contradicts the principles of international relations. On the page of the Embassy of Russia in Slovakia on Facebook there was a statement in which the accusation of the Slovak department was called "artificially built". The department claims that the Russian Federation allegedly does not interfere in the internal affairs of other states.

"It is a pity that there are steps in Bratislava to further deteriorate the once friendly relations between our countries, which are already in deep crisis and that the anti -Russian" card "plays an internal political game," the embassy said.

The statement of the Director of the External Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (SZR) of Sergey Narishkin, published on the official website of the department on September 28, states that recently the administration of President of US US President Joe Biden allegedly "exacerbated interference with the internal political situation in Slovakia.

" According to Narishkin, Washington does not want another "national -oriented Victor Orban" in Europe, so Americans allegedly ordered their EU allies to "carry out purposeful work" to obtain certain results of voting. "Given these realities, future elections in Slovakia can hardly be seen as a democratic and free from the external influence of the will of the people," - summed up the director of the RF.