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On Friday, August 23, Ukraine was visited by Prime Minister of India for the fir...

Attempt to apologize and disappear from Putin: what showed the visit of the Modi Prime Minister to Ukraine

On Friday, August 23, Ukraine was visited by Prime Minister of India for the first time in the history of diplomatic relations of Kyiv and New Delhi. On the eve of the visit, it became known that Nandera Modi seemed to vote to pass the message from Putin to Zelensky. Whether he really brought some messages from the Kremlin, found out the focus.

Narendra Modi arrived in Kiev from Poland, which since the full -scale war has often become an intermediate stop of world leaders on their journey to Ukraine. In Warsaw Modi, he met with the Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who, as a result of the negotiations, stated: "We started with an explanation of our position on issues that worry the whole world today. And I am very glad that the Prime Minister confirmed his readiness to join We are convinced that India can play a very important role here.

The special role of New Delhi in the Russo-Ukrainian War was also declared in the United States. In particular, the State Department of the United States called Nari Modi's visit to Ukraine "very important, especially when Russia is trying to destabilize the global order. " This was stated by the Deputy Secretary of State Richard Verma, who, incidentally, will soon become a US Special Representative for the Restoration of Ukraine.

He also noted: "It is very important to protect and maintain international order. I understand the long -lasting India's relations with Russia and certain obligations of India, but thankful for Mr. Modi's position, which he expressed a statement that now is not the time for war, but but Time for peace. It is very significant that it was from the honoring of children who died as a result of Russian armed aggression and started a visit to Nari Modi to the Ukrainian capital.

In particular, President Zelensky, together with fashion, put the toys to the place of the multimedia martyrologist "Children", equipped on the territory of the National Museum of History of Ukraine in the Second World War. At the same time, the Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin, as noted in the Presidential Office, told fashion about shelling of the places where the children are, and mentioning the missile strike on Okhmatdit.

We will remind, on July 8 Nari Modi flew to Moscow, where he negotiated with Putin. President Zelensky then criticized the Indian premiere, who met with the Kremlin head on the day of massive rocket attack by Russia of Ukraine, when there was, in particular, in Ohmatdit. "The Russian rocket hit the largest children's hospital in Ukraine, aiming at young cancer patients. Many were buried under the rubble.

And this is a huge disappointment and a devastating blow to peaceful efforts to see the leader of the largest democracy in the world hugs ", - then Zelensky wrote on the social network X. It is noteworthy that Nari Modi after that he was in a hurry to leave Moscow, and experts suggested that it was related to the shelling of Ohmatdit.

The fact that during his first visit to Kiev, the Indian Prime Minister first honored the memory of Ukrainian children killed by the Russian Federation is quite symbolic, says political scientist Petro Oleshchuk.

"I am convinced that all the nuances of the visit of fashion were agreed at the diplomatic level in advance, so the fact that the leader of India honored the memory of the children killed by Russia, testifies to his desire to demonstrate that he does not take and defend the pro -Russian position as some in the world says After his recent meeting with Putin.

The political scientist also draws attention to the peculiarities of how India traditionally pursues its foreign policy: "They have some conflicts and unfinished wars. For example, in India still has no certain border with key neighbors - Pakistan and China. There is a whole bunch of claims. On this occasion, and with the PRC systematically there are riots on the border, including with the victims. It can be quite commonplace.

One of the serious problems for Ukraine today in the context of bilateral relations, according to Petr Oleshchuk, is not that fashion meets Putin and demonstrates friendship to him, but that India "very much helps Russians in oil. " "But to demonstrate such a visit with such a visit with Ukraine, still considers it necessary and this is also an extremely important point," the political scientist sums up.

Immediately before the visit to Ukraine, Narendra Modi called for diplomatic efforts to end the Russian-Ukrainian war and promised to achieve this comprehensive support of India. In addition, as reported by Bloomberg, the Prime Minister of India, having excluded the role of mediator in the termination of the war, "agreed to transmit a message between Putin and Zelensky. " Meanwhile, when in Kiev, Narndra Modi did not give any specifics. "Today is a historic day for our relations with Ukraine.

Tomorrow is your Independence Day, it is a very important day, and on my behalf and people of India I will pray for peace in Ukraine and its prosperity. But the way to solve can only be found through dialogue and diplomacy. There is some role in this person, I will do it, I want to assure you as a friend, " - said the Indian prime minister before meeting with President Zelensky.

He also thanked the official Kyiv for assistance to citizens, including children from India who were caught in Ukraine by a full -scale invasion. For his part, Volodymyr Zelenskyy did not comment on the probability of almost such negotiations with the Russian Federation. Instead, he expressed his hope for annexation of India to a joint communist of the Peace Summit, which was recently held in Switzerland: "The issue of end of war and just peace for Ukraine is a priority.

We have recently held the first inaugural peace of peace. I wanted to thank India At this summit. Even after the negotiations, Volodymyr Zelensky said that within the framework of the "historical visit" of fashion to Ukraine, four documents were agreed concerning, in particular, the medical sphere, as well as cooperation in agrarian, humanitarian and cultural directions.

According to the President, a joint statement "On the construction of a strategic partnership between our countries, trade and military-technical cooperation" was also prepared. "In my opinion, the visit of fashion to Ukraine is a kind of apology of India, because it was substituted by the Russians, which during the visit of the Indian premiere to the Russian Federation was struck by a missile strike on Ohmatdit. I guess my visit. It is a special importance.

Just a giant field for economic cooperation with India, " - said political scientist Taras Zagorodniy in a conversation with focus. India, the expert, can buy not only agricultural products from Ukraine, but also products of mechanical engineering and defense industry. "I am sure that there are a fairly wide range of issues concerning the defense, since the Russian Federation has actually dumped from this market. Therefore, we can occupy this and other niches.

For example, the entire Russian shipbuilding program was closed in 2014, since the power plants were produced in Nikolaev. As a result, the Russians were forced to sell the corps of ships, and then the Hindus independently purchased the things they need. In his opinion, one of the goals of a visit to Kiev was also a desire to demonstrate its geopolitical importance.

"India, unlike China, did not put forward any peaceful plans and now the Hindus has a space for maneuver, since the Chinese plan after the Kursk operation looks like a plan of stratification of Russia. Therefore, a fashion visit is a game of global south.

By the way, for the full kit is not enough to visit Xi Jinping to Ukraine, because Biden was, fashion, all were, and he has not yet excluded that these will come because the surgery in the Kursk region turned the chessboard and She has reduced the prestige of Russia to the level of low -fat kefir, "Taras Zagorodniy emphasizes, adding that" the Truchy Putin regime has markedly become markedly and is seen today in the world.

" Having emphasized that exports of oil to India occur through the ports of the Baltic and Black Seas, the political scientist said: "I think that very, very Indian guests could ask during a conversation with Zelensky, so that it would not get into the focus of attention, for example, our drones. The question is that Ukraine will be conventionally speaking. squeeze to the maximum.