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It seems that oil sanctions against Russia have failed, blogger Petro Chernyshov...

The event proposes to cancel sanctions. Why for the rescue of ecology want to reduce pressure on the Russian Federation

It seems that oil sanctions against Russia have failed, blogger Petro Chernyshov states. Moreover, because of Russia, the use of old tankers has a threat of environmental disaster for the whole world. Officials lost the market again. Or the look of an expert from a soft sofa on oil sanctions against Russia. As we all remember - since December 22, the mechanism of "price ceiling" on oil from Russia has been launched.

US and EU officials solemnly announced - they came up with a reasonable mechanism that would not create a global crisis, but will not allow Russia to make money on oil! Russian oil will be sold in the market-but the aggressor country will receive a minimum of money for it! And they installed the ceiling for $ 60. I even then wrote that I could not believe that officials would win "animal instincts of the market".

Well, - Bloomberg summarizes this struggle - and writes that a full pour has come out. The main reason for this conclusion is that sanctions have just been imposed, the discount of Russian oil Urals to the world price Brent was $ 40 per barrel, and now only 10 and seeks zero.

And this despite the fact that the price of Barrel has increased greatly - and Russian companies became easier to give a discount! Why? Many strange companies bought a lot of tankers - very old ones - which at the usual time were cut into metal somewhere in Bangladesh - and now they swim. And the fact that they are very old and often switch off transponders (many of them swim without insurance) - simply creates, according to Bloomberg, a huge risk of accident.

Oil will pour into the sea - no one will pay for the elimination of consequences (but there are no insurance) - and the world will only be very bad. Fish, dolphins, corals will be killed - Greta will turn out and say that the world's capitalists again . . . and these sanctions will simply be canceled in a panic. And even many carry with insurance, because the buyer should simply give paper with the signature of an insurance company - that bought Russian oil cheaper than $ 60. per barrel.

Given that almost all these trading companies were created in 23 years-of course, it is easy for them to sign any paper. And, as Bloomberg writes, no one ever checks these documents. Because officials - it is important for them to just tell them.