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Internal Rivation documents are about poor repair of passenger aircraft and poor...

Barely avoid catastrophes: in the Russian Federation there were more emergency landings of passenger aircraft - media (photo)

Internal Rivation documents are about poor repair of passenger aircraft and poor protection at strategic facilities. They also mention the event in Istanbul, when there is almost no clash. Information resistance investigators reached the internal documentation of one of the Russian aviation companies. In closed documents, the Russians recognize that the number of emergency incidents on internal flights has increased. In addition, there was no aircraft crash during flights abroad.

The details of the work of the Russian Federation are referred to in the material published on the portal "24 Channel". The material published a number of screenshots from the archive, which was given by "Infosprov. " The archive includes 22 files with various data on the activities of the Ural Interregional Territorial Directorate of Rosaviation (Ural MUTU).

From the minutes of the Flight Security Council of November 16, 2023, you can learn about a number of emergency events with aircraft that occurred over the past year. The cause of these events is the inaccessibility of spare parts for stolen planes, the use of aircraft of the USSR, the irresponsibility of staff and executives. At the same time the Russians "barely managed to avoid catastrophes", is noted in the article.

The author noted that the Russians try to avoid words that speak of possible danger. Instead, the incidents are called "emergency events" and "failure". In total, 123 Aviation Incidents have occurred in the Russian Federation for nine months of 2023, the portal is indicated. However, the data does not coincide with the information of the Ural Mutur - there were 261 events with "moderate risk" and 9 - with "high".

In addition, the number of flight delays increased by almost 50%: 880 in 2023 against 490 in 2022. Also, the Russians rejoice in an increase in the number of domestic passenger transportation, but determine the decrease in the volume of goods transported. The protocol lists what the main causes of "events": foreign objects in engines, unwillingness to work in snow and frost, failure to perform maintenance. There were also several cases that occurred at the airports of the Russian Federation.

For example, a flock of dogs ran into the runway, or the plane swept away 30 m outside the runway, or the crew laid the route independently, or the lighting at the airport was switched off. The incidents that have taken place in foreign airports that are still accepting Russian planes are also attracted. In particular, in Istanbul: a passenger plane from the Russian Federation almost faced another plane without hearing instructions from the management point.

The article indicates that there are two important problems with the Russian aircraft. First, Boeing and Airbus passenger planes are not serviced due to sanctions imposed in Ukraine. Secondly, cargo vessels also do not have access to spare parts. The reason for this situation is the old Soviet Il-i, whose engines were engaged in Ukrainian "Motor-Sich".

It should be noted that after the invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine Boeing and Airbus refused to provide spare parts and serve liners owned by Russian companies. Meanwhile, the Kremlin in its own way resolved the issue of ownership of aircraft of foreign companies, which at the time of the war stuck in the territory of the occupying country. President Vladimir Putin stated that all vessels become the property of the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, Russia began to publish stories about the troubles that occurred with Russian aircraft. For example, in September, a passenger liner with several dozen Russians flew out of Sochi, but to the purpose of the flew: landed in the middle of the field. Shortly before that, the helicopter incident occurred: a local politician was killed in the Arkhangelsk region. In October, there was a problem with three aircraft at once: the flights were detained because they just couldn't take off.