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At the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the guy st...

He left the theater to defend his homeland: Ukrainian ballet artist in Lithuania was killed in the war

At the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the guy stated that he could not look at it and returned to Kiev to join the defense forces. In Ukraine, a former Ukrainian ballet artist of the Klaipeda State Music Theater in Lithuania Artem Kolbasinsky was killed in Ukraine. After the full-scale invasion, a 22-year-old guy left work, returned to Ukraine and joined the defense forces. The death of the artist was reported at the Klaipeda Music Theater.

"In 2022 in the spring, as soon as a full -scale war in Ukraine began, he went to defend his homeland and his relatives. The dancer stated that he would lose dignity and humanity, if it remains to live in a Clahapeda with a loved one. " I have to return to my country and protect Its from the invaders. This is my duty, both to the Motherland and before the relatives who remained there. But this decision was difficult, I will not hide, "he said then.

We express our sincere condolences to our relatives, colleagues and fans of his work," - the message reads. The Ukrainian was 24 years old. The boy's parents died early and he stayed with his eldest brother and sister. The children were placed in different orphanages, and a year later it was adopted. The foster parents took Artem to a professional dance school.

In 2019, he received a choreographer diploma at the Serge Lifar Dance Academy in Kiev and immediately went to work in the ballet troupe of the Klaipeda Music Theater in Lithuania. Not so long ago, the guy met his sister, who found him on social networks. Then Artem met with his brother, aunts and uncles. His foster care members live near Kiev, and in the first months of a full -scale Russian invasion they hid in the basement. The guy stated that he could not look at it and returned to Ukraine.

"In such a situation in Ukraine, I cannot just sit quietly in a clipped one and watch the events. If I did, I would be lost like a person . . . I would lose humanity in my heart. This decision was difficult, I will not hide. In the Clayped, I created my little world: I have a beloved girl, an apartment, a cat and many good friends who in every way denied me.

After the war, he dreamed of returning to the theater, but not on the stage, but in Beckstagi, because he was injured on the front, which was why his health worsened and it became difficult for him to dance. "Unfortunately, my body begins to betray me: it turned out that because of the injuries and physical changes I will not be able to do modern dances for a long time, I will not be able to reach a breakthrough in this area.

If I return, I unfortunately will not be able to earn a living But I am very fond of dancing. The guy confesses that his lover denied him from participating in the fighting, but later resigned. He was also supported by friends and helped the theater management. "We will all die sooner or later. I'm scared too, but if I can save my life at least a few people, it makes sense, I can sacrifice life for it," Artem said.