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The false phrase prescribed by Andrei Ermak was posted at least two social netwo...

Closed borders even after the war: on behalf of Yermak spread fake (photo)

The false phrase prescribed by Andrei Ermak was posted at least two social networks. It's about Facebook and Twitter. The fake began to spread in social networks that even after the victory of Ukraine over Russia, the martial law in the country would not be abolished. This was written by the advisor to communicate the head of the Presidential Office Dariya Zarivna in her official Telegram channel on Sunday, March 31.

"The social networks are spreading a fake with the alleged quote of the head of the office Andriy Yermak by the publication of Politico, fully and completely fictional. Andriy Yermak did not give any comments. Always check the information," the official wrote. In this way, she responded to the false quote of Andriy Yermak, which he allegedly said during an interview with the media. Her rest has at least two popular networks: Twitter and Facebook.

She sounded like this: "We think that even after the war, it is impossible to abolish martial law. At least a few years. Ukrainians will remain and will rebuild the country. In addition, our people have already been used to living for closed borders and other restrictions - it is more for them Not a problem.

" By the way, the editor -in -chief of the portal "Wave" Yuri Romanenko, screenshot from the page on Facebook gave an example in his publication Darius Zarivna, deleted his previous post and wrote a new one. In it he confirmed that he did not find a quote in an interview with Andrew Ermak, who had already caused public resonance. "I repent, Yermak did not say Politico information that after the war, Ukraine would retain martial law.

A number of large Ukrainian telegrams were abandoned by this thesis, I also picked up, but went to Politico and Politico Europe and did not find anywhere," Romanenko wrote. We will remind, a little earlier the head of GUR Kirill Budanov ridiculed the fake of Russian propagandists about himself. He mentioned that the propagandists used photos with him and came up with two versions. According to one of them, Cyril Budanov turned into a "mummy", and by the other was a hologram.