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According to Analytics, Defense Express, unidentified drone is less than the siz...

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the second time in a week attacked Ukraine with unknown UAV (photo)

According to Analytics, Defense Express, unidentified drone is less than the size of Shahd-136. The wingspan is about 2. 5 meters, the length is about 2 meters. Over the past four days, two Russian drones have been shot down in the Ukrainian sky, which have not yet been identified. About it writes the military portal of Defense Express, which received a photo of the already second -bell enemy drone.

On the night of July 24, after the successful work of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, the drone fell in the open area and remained virtually intact. The Air Force of the Armed Forces reported that during the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 23 drones of the type Shahd were used. 17 of them were shot. Analysts suggest that the unknown drone was identified as Shahd because his flight profile and other markers indicated his resemblance to Iranian drone.

This is also explained by the fact that it is a drone that is built according to the scheme "Flying Wing with an internal combustion engine in the tail part with a pushing screw. " It is also black with an additional camouflage pattern. Unidentified drone is smaller than the dimensions by Shahd-136. The wingspan is about 2. 5 meters, the length is about 2 meters. The size and type of its combat part, as well as all other details and components, are evaluated by specialists.

Due to the fact that the drone remained almost intact, it will be possible to get a considerable array of information. Defense Express analysts have noted a trend that shows that Russia is trying to expand the production of Iranian drones. And besides Shahd-136, one of the possible variants will be Dron Kamikadze Qasef, who "glowed" in the Yemeni Hussites. He was already patented in the Russian Federation.