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The program now warns of air threats to a particular city or community in Ukrain...

Update "Air Alarm": The application will warn where the rocket or drone flies - Ignati

The program now warns of air threats to a particular city or community in Ukraine. It should be updated manually if it does not happen automatically. A popular application for smartphones "Air Anxiety" 6. 0 will send a warning of increased danger in individual cities and communities. Ajax Systems manufacturer announced on its site updates. In the version of Program 6. 0, the reports of rockets or Russian percussion drones will additionally appear during the overall alarm.

Such announcements will notify citizens of specific threats in their place of stay. "Air Force experts together with" Air Anxiety developers "have managed to develop a safe algorithm that will allow you to receive information about the region where you are. You hammer your region in addition and there is additional information about increased anxiety.

This is when it enters the airspace The object is certain, there will be additional information, " - said the update of the application speaker of the Air Force of Ukraine Yuri Ignat on the air of the telecast. To obtain new notifications, you need to update the program "Increased danger!" to version 6. 0. Upgrade is already available for smartphone owners and other iOS and Android operating systems.

If the application is not automatically updated for some reason, it should be tried to update or reuse it. The installation file you want for this can be found on the manufacturer's website. Also, the application has received regulation of the volume of the notification "Increased danger!" But the ability to inform if the notification "increased danger!" cease to come. Additionally, the developers have released the widget "Map alarm" in the form of a separate application.

It can be added to your phone screen for a better, visual and more convenient tracking of a security situation. The widget is also available for iOS and Android devices, it can also be downloaded from the site links. Ajax Systems and Stfalcon, developed by the Ajax Systems and Stfalcon companies, using the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. The number of loads reaches 26 million times, the program is actively using 6 million users.

It makes it possible to get a warning about rocket strokes, artillery shelling, street fights, radiation, chemical threat, natural disasters. Important notifications from local OVA and civil protection of Ukraine are also available. The full -scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine has generated several special useful applications. The Buyer Scaner program shows Russian goods in stores to Ukrainians. It reads the barcodes and reports whether the manufacturer does not work in the Russian Federation.