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Changes in the Russian nuclear doctrine actually legalize the right to a prevent...

Russia can change nuclear doctrine: analysts have outlined the consequences for Ukraine

Changes in the Russian nuclear doctrine actually legalize the right to a preventive nuclear strike as in Ukraine, experts say. After all, the Ukrainian forces will in any case continue to strike on military facilities in the territory of the Russian Federation. At a meeting of the Security Council, Russian President Volodymyr Putin announced the intention to expand the conditions of use of nuclear weapons, which causes serious concerns in the international arena.

These changes become an important marker that emphasizes that the Russian leader always tries to legalize his crimes, and nuclear blackmail has become the only tool for Moscow. This is stated in Defense Express dated September 26.

In his speech, at a nuclear determination meeting, the Kremlin headed that one of the key innovations is that aggression against Russia by a non -nuclear state, which is supported or committed with the participation of a nuclear state, will be regarded as their joint attack.

Another important addition was the permission to use nuclear weapons in the event of truthful information on massive launching of air space attacks such as winged missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) if they crossed the Russian border. The document, the "Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear restraint", was approved in 2020, and even then it expanded the policy of nuclear restraint.

In the current version, the basic conditions for the use of nuclear weapons include: the last point, as analysts noted, and has become an innovation, as it introduces a blurred concept of "threat to the existence of the state", which can be used to justify the use of nuclear weapons.

"Now… Nuclear weapons of the Kremlin plans to use in the case of" massive start and transition across the border of means of air-space attack ", in the list of which not only winged rockets, but also UAVs and all other aircraft were included," the authors of the material emphasized. Another important change is the aggression by a non -nuclear state, which can now be regarded as a joint attack with the support of a nuclear state.

This change reflects the Kremlin's point of view on the current situation, in particular, when Ukraine attacks Russian objects using both Western and its own weapons. Blurred terms "participation" and "support" open up space for wide interpretations. Thus, changes in the Russian nuclear doctrine actually legalize the right to a preventive nuclear strike in both Ukraine and NATO or EU countries.

This initiative was probably made against the backdrop of the event in order to strengthen nuclear blackmail. "According to the Kremlin, this approach to intimidation should make their next" red line "even red. Whether this sense will be known only later, as if it will work. Because Ukraine in any case continue to cause mass long-range blows drones and destroy such strategic objects of the Russian Federation, " - summed up experts.