Post published in Telegram. "The enemy was rejected from the main ways of connection, that is, they disrupted the intention to take the Bamut in the tick," the serviceman said. At the same time, he warned that it is too early to celebrate the victory, as the enemy is charging landing detachments and equipment. Regarding resources, the arsenal of the invaders is still higher, but due to the heroic stability and professionalism of defense is to promote both the approaches and in the city itself.
The summary of the Armed Forces General Staff states that there are heavy battles in the Bakhmut area, and Russia makes unsuccessful offensive attempts from several directions to the west and east of the city. The Russians also attack other districts of Donetsk region, including in Avdiivka, Marinka and Villaglors. Air Force is supplemented with artillery shelling. 37 combat clashes are reported, and Bakhmut and Marinka are at the epicenter of fighting.
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