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In the Pershotravensk Dnipropetrovsk region, a group of people beat a serviceman...

In Dnipropetrovsk, they beat the military: one of the attackers was a deputy (video)

In the Pershotravensk Dnipropetrovsk region, a group of people beat a serviceman. One of the involvement in the attack, according to law enforcement officers, was a local MP. The event happened near the supermarket on Independence Street on August 14 in Pervotravensk. This is reported in the General Directorate of the National Police in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. A group of people attacked a 24-year-old man, causing him injuries. The victim was a serviceman.

It was established that the attackers were a deputy of the Pershotraravensky City Council. According to this fact, investigators of the police # 3 of the Sinelnikov RUP are investigating criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Art. 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hooliganism committed by a group of persons). The attackers are threatened with restraint of up to five years or imprisonment for up to four years.

The police do not name the name of the deputy, but the regional edition "Dnipro Operational" with reference to its own sources writes that it is about Roman Kiselyov, known by the nickname "Copilka". As it is noted, a man already has several convictions and allegedly "enjoys authority among local criminals. " At the time of publishing the material, Kiselev did not comment on the possible involvement in beating the military.

In his social networks, Roman Kiselev notes that he is a public figure, a patron, a businessman, as well as the President of Tyson Sports Center and President of FC Legion. It is also one of the owners of the private enterprise "Union - 456", which provides transportation services. We will remind, in Kiev beat the Metropolitan of Crimean and Simferopol Clement, who is also a serviceman of the Armed Forces. Clement came to the capital at the invitation of the Crimean Platform.