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According to the author of the propaganda Telegram-channel

Increases information influence: Russia can "expel" from Central Asia in 3-5 years

According to the author of the propaganda Telegram-channel "Ribbar", the United States "four thousand times" more spent money on a journalistic environment in Central Asia than the Russian Federation. The author of the famous Russian Telegram-channel related to the Kremlin opened the second "media school" in the capital of Kyrgyzstan Bishkek, probably to support the efforts of the Russian Federation to expand its influence in Central Asia.

About it writes "Institute of War Study" in the summary of June 11. "What we see today is the complete absence of military-political and sectoral examination, as well as the actual vacuum in the blogosphere and journalism of thoughts in Kyrgyzstan. Our goal is to help. And that is why in Kyrgyzstan the" Media School of the Ribari Publications. Information influence in the region.

National University "On the real benefit of Telegram and the subtleties of solving problems in the information environment". Use multimedia for the development of local journalism. Representatives of the Kyrgyz Branch of the Russian Gazeta, he explained, complain that the journalistic environment is supported by Western countries. In the Russian Federation, they also think about it, but in the US are allocated more money - "four thousand times".

On June 23, 2023, Ovinchuk, because of the support of war in Ukraine, for actions that threaten the territorial integrity and sovereignty of an independent country, made all EU countries to the sanction list. Mikhail Zinchuk is considered a representative of the working group, which was created by the Kremlin in December 2022 to coordinate the mobilization efforts of the Russian Federation. In his Telegram-channel is disinformation and pro-Kremliv propaganda about the war.

It should be reminded that, according to NYT, the United States will pass to Ukraine another Patriot complex that will arrive from neighboring Poland. Journalists referred to unnamed sources, according to which the air defense system may appear on the front line for several days, depending on the modification and service that may be needed. It was also reported that in the OTG "Siversk" told about the composition of Russian DRG.