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The defense department noted that the 12-mile area near the island of Taipei con...

Escalation of the military conflict: Taiwan threatened the destruction of planes and ships of China

The defense department noted that the 12-mile area near the island of Taipei considers its territorial waters and airspace, so hostile goals will be destroyed. Taiwan Armed Forces are ready to destroy the planes and ships of the People's Liberation Army of China (NVAK) in the case of their entry into the 12-mile area (about 22. 2 km) near the island.

On Tuesday, June 27, a representative of Taiwan's defense department was warned by Major-General Lin Wenhuan, whose statement is quoted by Taiwan Central Information Agency. According to Venhuan, this zone Taipei calls his airspace and territorial waters, so in the case of crossing aircraft or ships of the Middle Line of Taiwan, Taiwan will take measures.

"If the forces of the NVAK continue to ignore our warnings and break into our territorial airspace and water area, we will quickly hit in response to protect national security," he said. It is known that Taiwan's military leadership has repeatedly stated that in the event of incidents from China, we will not use weapons first to not give mainland China "a reason to start invasion.