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According to Patrushev, the US and Europe are investing huge resources in the pr...

Russia "neutralized" hundreds of agents of foreign intelligence - Patrushev

According to Patrushev, the US and Europe are investing huge resources in the preparation and organization of government coups. The Secretary of the Russian Federation Mykola Patrushev states that the event is actively working on the preparation and implementation of agents for the organization of government coups in independent states. This is stated in his article under the name "The collapse of the parasite empires", published in the journal of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

"In recent years, hundreds of employees of foreign special services have been identified and disposed of, as well as other persons involved in the organization of intelligence and subversive activities against our country and our strategic partners,"-said Secretary of the Radbeza. Reuters characterizes Patrushev, who previously headed the FSB as a "close ally" of Russian President Vladimir Putin and "a key supporter of rigid and hawk policy within the Kremlin.

" According to Patrushev, the US and Europe are investing huge resources in the preparation of "young democratic leaders", which are planned to be used to organize government coups to create pro -Western regimes in independent countries. He called such leaders "ordinary Western puppets" who receive money from the CIA, Mi6 and other Western special services and follow their instructions. According to him, the West turns promising managers and security forces into "leaders of harmful ideas".

Patrushev also stated that the intelligence services of the event had created most large terrorist groups and sponsored them. The same, in his opinion, happens with international crime. To illustrate his conclusions, Patrushev delves into history and reminded that England, France, Spain, Portugal and the United States "never neglected to use the services of pirates and other bandits" to achieve their goals, and "looted in one way or another.