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Dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Today in Kharkiv there is another hit by a Russian ...

The blows to the Russian border helped our protection of life, as well as further decisions - the Presidential appeal

Dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Today in Kharkiv there is another hit by a Russian managed airbag. The postal terminal - an ordinary civilian object was affected. As of now, ten wounded are now known. Everyone is provided with the necessary help. One person, unfortunately, died. My condolences to all my relatives. And these bombs are one of the key foundations of Putin's ability to fight.

The sooner the world helps us to deal with the Russian combat aviation, which launches these bombs, the sooner we can strike - quite fair, by the way - according to Russian military infrastructure, the Russian military airfields, the closer peace will be. True peace. The world has sufficient power to force Russia to peace. And in particular, in the protection of the Kharkiv region from the Russian offensive, we have proven that the determination of partners really helps.

The blows on the Russian border helped protect life. Further solutions will also help - bold solutions that we need to be, which we need and who are talking to our partners. We will continue communication in the coming weeks to get the necessary solutions. Today, according to this day, these weeks I want to thank all our people, who invariably arrive at the place after any Russian blow, conduct rescue work, disassemble the blockages, and assist the wounded.

I thank the whole staff of the SES of Ukraine, all employees of the utilities who help. Police, medical workers - those who are always in place and always with people. Thank you to everyone who is involved in salvation. I will especially note the boys from Dniprovshchyna-Igor Sorokin, Andriy Koryaka, Ivan Podolyak-from a paramilitary mining and rescue detachment. Rescuers Roman Kurmaev, Mikhail Ishichkin, Igor Getalo, Vitaliy Timofeev, Ivan Swhoboy, Oleg Tokarev, Yevgeny Shapoval.

Thank you and all your colleagues in the area! And also the Donetsk region, which Russia wants to turn everything into ruins. I will note today rescuers who work in Donetsk and literally save lives daily: Igor Korzhov, Andriy Lenfira, Alexander Kachan, Anton Pavlyuchenko, Dmitry Rudenko, Andriy Dolzhenko, Pavel Zakharov. Thank you guys, everyone who works with you, everyone who helps you! And one more, very important.

These weeks - after the first peace summit - we have not stopped communicating with partners to support our communist summit. And there is a plus of ten signatures after the communic summit - from different entities, from different parts of the world. The world should be as wide as possible in the work for peace. And I thank our team for activity. And there are also more details about working in groups - under formula points - on specific security issues.