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Hope - the main enemy of Ukraine, says political scientist and volunteer Gennady...

Reagan for Ukraine: which leader will be able to give hope of a people exhausted by war

Hope - the main enemy of Ukraine, says political scientist and volunteer Gennady Druzenko. Having lost faith in the better future of the country, people stop building homes, having children, investing and eventually living in it. And here you need a leader who will give a nation a true hope. The Ukrainian dream of the current stage of the war was the Latin phrase Contra spem spero - I hope.

Currently, you can either stubbornly look at the sky, or believe the president (fortune -tellers, astrologers, telecommunications - choose the right one), or it is worth hoping for hopelessness. Hopelessness is our main enemy. Having lost faith in the better future of the country, people stop building homes, having children, investing and eventually living in it. And here is not the war, more precisely, not only the war.

I specifically examined in which countries of the world the population in 2023 decreased against 1950, when the world just began to recover from the horror of the Great War. There were very few countries - and they all lie in Eastern and Central Europe. Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia. And most of the people during this period lost Ukraine - its population decreased from 36. 5 to 29 (according to pessimistic) or 34 (by optimistic) estimates.

What forces citizens to leave their country, and both Ukraine and running, who have experienced (or are now experiencing) the tragedy of war, as well as Bulgaria and Latvia, who have lived in peace all these years? The answer is a despair in the better future of its countries, multiplied by the relative ease of traveling to the more prosperous states. Both Bulgaria and Latvia were stuck in transit. Ukraine was buried in the war.

Running is still a patchwork confederation that cannot give itself advice . . . wars, even devastating, do not lead to a demographic catastrophe. The population of Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, who experienced terrible wars in the second half of the twentieth century, as well as Rwanda, which survived a terrible genocide, has increased many times over. The population of the post -war USSR has almost doubled.

And this is not because in the USSR, Afghanistan or Vietnam, it was so good to live - just everywhere the local population (sometimes naively) believed in a better future. Plus, iron curtains usually played a role. Ukrainians have taken away this hope for a better future. Almost. Therefore, they leave the country with truths, refuse to give birth to children, build their homes and invest in long projects.

Therefore, only Contra spem spero can be believed in the future of Ukraine contrary to everything, not thanks. And this despair is to talk to society seriously and frankly. From the lack of vision, for which we are leading this bloodshed war. I think few are willing to pay such a terrible price for returning yellow-blue columns to the borders of the Ukrainian SSR. We would somehow give us a council to those territories that are currently controlled by Kyiv.

And what do we fight for? For Ukraine to be robbed by Ukrainians? To make the oligarchs call Akhmetov and Pinchuk, not Rothenberg or Deripaska? Of course, these questions are a very convincing answer - we are fighting with the horde for the right to be ourselves.

To speak in your language, to honor your heroes, for the right to choose our fate in the end, but did we want such a fate for Ukraine? Did we dream of such Ukraine? Did you want to grow their children and grandchildren in such Ukraine? Of course, it is better than Russia or temporarily occupied Ukrainian lands, but how far from Ukraine our dreams !!! The future leader of Ukraine will be the one who returns her hope. Who will light the leading star in her path.

Who will say "I have a Dream" - and this dream is in millions of Ukrainian hearts. And these hearts will say that in such Ukraine we dream of living, in such Ukraine we want to grow our children, for such such not ashamed of those who put for it the most expensive - life. Only by lighting the leading star of the dream in the Ukrainian sky, only believing that this dream is fulfilled, we will find the strength of defeating the enemy and breaking the course of events.

And this dream should not be about the secret "Victory Plan", which will be shown only by Biden, Trump and Harris - and will be secret from those who, the idea of ​​the idea. These will be inspired by the word not the actor, but the true Ukrainian prophet. Who will speak to Ukrainians the way the winner of the Empire of the Empire Ronald Reagan said to the Americans: "Children born this year will begin their adulthood in the 21st century.

What country, what kind of inheritance we will leave these young men and women who will live in the third The centenary of American Independence? Economic and security policies that threaten global peace because of a lack of powerful and sincere leadership. indifferent to people and their problems.

They are thirsty for the visions of the best America, the vision of a society that releases our citizens' energy and creativity, but at the same time extends the hand of assistance to the lonely, to those who have despaired or felt forgotten. I believe that we are able to start a new era of reform in this country and the era of national renewal.

The era that will change the relationship between citizens and the authorities that will make the government re -responsible to people who will give a new breathing to the values ​​of the family, work and good neighborliness and which will expel our private and independent institutions. These institutions have always served as a buffer and cities between individuals and the state, and it is these institutions, not the authorities that are a true source of our economic and social progress . . .