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Neither MND nor its shareholder have any business or other relations with Russia...

MND and its shareholder have no links with Russia - a statement

Neither MND nor its shareholder have any business or other relations with Russia. We have been doing business in Ukraine for 10 years, MND and Horizons LLC have been helping Ukraine in every possible way since the Russian invasion and the beginning of the war. We deny false information that has recently appeared on some Ukrainian sites. This defamatory text of one author was repeated by several other authors who repeat the previous lie and add even more false information.

None of them worried to contact MND because the company could easily refute all the statements. Therefore, we consider it necessary to refute false information. MND considers all its legal protection means against the dissemination of such false information.

False articles are part of a negative campaign against the company and its shareholders aimed at spreading lies and misinformation about our activities in connection with the intelligence and production of gas at the "Zhukov" site in the Poltava region. The oil and gas license was purchased at an open auction by Horizons, which is 80% of the Czech company MND and 20% of Ukrainian Westernadraservice LLC.

The founder of which is Zinova Kozitsky, a Ukrainian businessman who works in several sectors, but mainly in energy.

For brevity, we will not dwell on all mistakes, logical inconsistencies, theories of conspiracy and lies, but comment only on the most flashy false accusations and defamatory statements: - We have no connection with Russia first, the statement that LLC " Horizons ", MND or any other KKCG company Karl Komarek represent Russian interests, are Russian agents or otherwise support the Kremlin's attempts to penetrate Ukraine or Europe as a whole, are obviously fictional, slander and in no way true.

- We do not have any connections with Gazprom MND is currently the sole shareholder of the underground gas storage facility in Dumbor, the Czech Republic (extract from the shopping mall and other official documents). The gas storage facility was built together with the Russian gas giant at a time when the entire European energy sector cooperated with Gazprom.

After the start of the war, MND took all the necessary measures to preserve the ownership of this asset without the participation of Gazprom and this year MND became the only shareholder of the gas storage facility, which is confirmed by an extract from the Czech Register and other official documents. - MND/KKCG does not own the Samara terminal, this terminal was sold in 2022 in a transparent way.

In addition, the Samara terminal was not fully put into operation, not to mention it to consider it a strategic asset in addition to numerous inaccuracies, Mr. Sikalov's article contains openly false information about the game. It states that a member of the board of directors of the company, who controlled the aforementioned gas storage facility was Sergey Tregub, whom the author - Mr Sikalov identified as a former GRU resident in Syria. The article refers to Sergey Vadimovich Tregub, 20. 01. 1959.

And which is really on the British sanction list. And the person who was related to the gas storage was named Sergey Tregub, April 7, 1960. The founder of the KKCG group is the leading Czech businessman Karel Komarek. The group of companies operate mainly in the EU, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Ten years ago, during the Euromaidan, MND, as the founder of the company "Horizons" entered Ukraine and since then LLC "Horizons" has been drilled 31 wells, seismovracy 3D and 2D was carried out on an area of ​​320 square kilometers and 87 kilometers of gas pipelines were laid. The full -scale invasion time has invented UAH 1. 52 billion. and more than 2. 44 billion UAH have been paid. taxes and fees to the state budget.

The staffing of horizons LLC has 55 employees and dozens of external contractors. From the above, we think of everyone clearly whether the leaders of Gazprom in the Poltava region are MND and horizons LLC or the authors of false publications (who are they?), Who, for unclear reasons, blame us, preventing the search and production of such strategically important oil and gas for Ukraine. In Western Ukraine, where horizons operate, the company invests significant funds in local infrastructure.

It participates in road repair and other important public projects, in particular in the restoration of rural square in Medenichi. According to Mayor Maryan Mikhailovich, "horizons" are a prime example of socially responsible business, when the company supports the local community in the place of its activity and thus improves the quality of life of residents.

In recent years, MND has been increasingly focused on renewable energy sources, as evidenced by investments in the OROs in Lviv region, which was built during the war and put into operation this spring and has a capacity of 55 MW, which helps diversify the country's energy supply. Outside of business, when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Karel Komarek, as the founder of KKCG, called on the Western world to resist Vladimir Putin.

"In this century, we should not allow the death of innocent civilians as a result of his absolutely crazy decision. I express full support to the Ukrainian people during this difficult period," Komarek said. In the Czech Republic, it has been and still remains one of Ukraine's largest supporters among well -known businessmen. Immediately afterwards, the group launched a number of projects to provide immediate assistance to people in Ukraine and those who left the country.

In the first days of the war, the Karel Komarek family fund sent two dozen trucks with the most necessary humanitarian cargo. A total of 310 tons of material were delivered. The Karel Komarek Foundation also paid great attention to the help of Ukrainian refugees from the war directly in the Czech Republic, including providing dozens of mothers and their children in Prague.

Later, MND bought four large diesel generators for the city of Irpin, which provided electricity to local schools during shutdowns. Throughout the war, MND cooperates with the Zinovia Kozitsky Foundation: special summer camps were funded for psychological support for children who lost their loved ones or survived the war in the amount of 170 thousand euros. A total of 300 children took part in the Gen Camp.