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In Roszm, it has been stated that in the last five years Russia has received 130...

The volley of dozens of "calibers": the turn of the Russian Federation will soon have new rocket ships - Roszmi

In Roszm, it has been stated that in the last five years Russia has received 130 new warships. At the same time, in 2023, six other submarines of different types were built. During the meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Minister Sergey Shoigu listed new warships that will join the Navy of the Russian Federation. In particular, he pointed out that by the end of 2023 the Russians will have three more submarines capable of shooting winged "caliber" missiles.

The details of the speech of the Russian official were told in the Telegram-channel of the TASS agency. Shoigu noted that the Russian fleet was waiting for a replenishment - something was tested, something ready to work: in addition, the Russian Minister stated that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation had increased the supply of drones 16 times, according to the TASS post.

Meanwhile, some details can be found in the network as to what new equipment the Russian fleet has received in the last year. In particular, it is stated that three submarines of the Bore-A project were lowered. Each of them can make a volley of 16 mace missiles, which overcome 9300 km. In addition, the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in May received a corvette of the project 20380 "Mercury". Also in September, the Pacific Fleet received a corvette of the project 20380 "sharp".

Another Russian company is a united shipbuilding corporation - in the summer of 2023, the transfer of the Russian Navy about 11 ships: five submarines (three atomic and two diesel), ships of far and near naval zones. It should be noted that the focus wrote about the flotilla, which should be built for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Company "Sevmash".

In particular, new atomic submarines of the Bori-A Projects ("Emperor Alexander III") and "Yasen-M" ("Krasnoyarsk") will soon be lowered on the water. It is also expected that Russia will have three more diesel-electric submarines. Sumy, in Roszma, for five years, from 2018 to 2023, Russia received 130 new ships of different types. We would like to remind you that the US showed a test of the latest invisible aircraft capable of launching missiles by 2 500 km.