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In a conversation with an American journalist, the President of the Eight countr...

Two hours of delusions: Ukraine has denied the main fake statements from Putin's interview

In a conversation with an American journalist, the President of the Eight country stated that the purpose of the so-called "his"-"ban on all sorts of neo-Nazi movements", however, at the Center for Strategic Communications stressed that it was a fiction . Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a two -hour interview to American journalist Taer Carlson.

The exved Fox News promised to ask the dictator "Acute Questions", however, in 120 minutes he did not find the opportunity to talk to Putin about the military crimes of Russians in Ukrainian cities, the abduction of thousands of children, genocidal rhetoric and the actions of the Kremlin regime. The main fake statements of the head of the Russian Federation were denied at the Center for Strategic Communications.

Lie: Putin again repeated that the purpose of the so -called "special operation" in Ukraine is denacification, "banning all sorts of neo -Nazi movements. " However, he acknowledged that the goals had not been achieved. "You know how we will not seem strange, during the negotiations in Istanbul we have agreed that neonacism will not be cultivated in Ukraine, including it will be forbidden at the legislative level. This, it turns out, can be done during the negotiation process.

And there is nothing humiliating for Ukraine as for a modern civilized state. Is it possible to promote the Nazis? True: the CSC is noted that "neonacism in Ukraine" is a fiction of Russian propaganda. In this way, the Kremlin is trying to present Ukraine as a legitimate goal for aggression, terror and destruction. "The habit of Moscow to hang the label of" fascists "and" Nazis "on all enemies since the USSR.

Lie: The President of the Russian Federation has stated that former Boris Johnson's former Prime Minister Boris Johnson persuaded Ukraine to continue fighting. "The fact that they obeyed Mr. Johnson's requirements or persuasion seems to be very sad. Because, as Arahamia said, we could stop these fighting a year and a half ago, but the Britons have persuaded us and we refused. Well, where is Mr. Johnson now And the war is ongoing, "the dictator says.

However, however, the Center for Strategic Communications states that in the Russo-Ukrainian negotiations in Belarus and Turkey in February-March 2022, the result was not reached in 2022. Moscow forced Ukraine to capitulate, but it did not happen. "The only condition of the Ukrainian side was that Russia would abstain from the next attempts to annex the territory. But Putin did not listen to and burned the negotiation bridges himself," the CSK said.

Lie: Putin repeated the standard propaganda manipulation, which, as he claims, was founded by Vladimir Lenin, but this time he also pointed to Stalin's role. "In Romania and Hungary, some of the territories were also taken away, and they, these territories, are part of Soviet Ukraine and are still there. Therefore, we have every reason to say that, of course, Ukraine is in some sense - an artificial state created by Stalin's will" , - he states.

True: in the CSC press service, they said that the recent Ukrainian state was founded not by Lenin and Stalin, but by the Ukrainian national movement - simultaneously with Poland, Lithuania, Georgia and even Russia itself as a republic. "The Russian Bolsheviks did not create, but won independent Ukraine, turning it into another" Soviet Republic ", - said in the message.

Lie: Putin said in the course of an interview, allegedly a true story about how Ukrainian soldiers got into the Russian Soldiers. They got into the environment - this is a specific example of life, fighting - our soldiers shout to them: "There is no chance, give up! Come out, you will be alive, give up!". And suddenly from there in Russian, good Russian shout: "The Russians do not give up!" - And everyone was killed. They still feel the Russians.

In this sense, what is happening is to some extent an element of the Civil War, " - says the Kremlin head. True: according to the Center for Strategic Communications, many Russians, who are patriots and defenders of the Ukrainian state, live in Ukraine. But Putin's narrative about" persecution Russians in Ukraine "and" liberation "are used to ignite the war. " The phrase "Russian is not gone" is a well -known expression, well known to people, knowing Russian culture.

It is not surprising that Ukrainian warriors have chosen it for the trolling of Russian-aggressors, "the press service added. Lies: The Russian president manipulated the idea that" allegedly "Americans have nothing to do. " US National Debt. You have nothing to do. Therefore, you have to fight in Ukraine. Isn't it better to negotiate with Russia? " - said the dictator.

True: the CSC stressed that the Russian Federation and Putin systematically violate all agreements and refuse to comply with international agreements signed by the Russian leadership. 400 international agreements. Earlier, The Washington Post reported that interview with American journalist Taer Carlson with Russian President Vladimir Putin should be a "big victory" for both, but everything went on plan.