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Russian Defense Minister Belousov is gradually turning into a second person of R...

Generals with oligarchs - against Putin: as the strengthening of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation destroys the Kremlin regime

Russian Defense Minister Belousov is gradually turning into a second person of Russia, political scientist Viktor Nevzhenko concludes. In his opinion, the pressure on the generality, which is now at the Belousov initiative, can lead to the generals in response - perhaps in alliance with the oligarchs.

Belousov, not Mishustin, helps Putin New Defense Minister of Russian Belousov unexpectedly for Putin's surroundings is increasingly included in the role of "Vice President" of Russia and Putin's associate. Belousov clearly distills the experienced Prime Minister Mishustin in political influence on power and Putin. He openly criticizes Matvienko and State Duma for their incompetence and thirst for wealth.

At the same time, the "Kursk failure" of the Ministry of Defense of Russia is easily transferred to the chief of Gerasimov General Staff, not to Belousov. As the Russian Defense Minister, Belousov suddenly engaged in the total audit of the Army of Shoigu, which threatens the mass cleaning of the Russian General, who wants to live well, no worse than police or special services. And the war against Ukraine gave them this opportunity.

These differences between the military generals and the repressive apparatus of Putin during a failed war against Ukraine can have serious political risks personally to Putin and his authoritarian regime.

If the General General's cruelty and unceremonious Minister's cruelty and unceremoniousness will find allies among the High Bureaucracy and New Oligarchs, the Putin regime of authoritarian power will begin to change rapidly in composition and structure, regardless of the results of the war against Ukraine and the pressure of the event.

Moreover, the terrible concentration of power by Putin is no longer in line with his strength and abilities in a timely and correctly solving the most important political and economic problems of Russia. Therefore, Putin is no longer the leader of the ruling group and the author of the regime of power, not the arbitrator between Russian oligarchs and bureaucracy, but only a "scout" that tries to retain power through political intrigues in any way.