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Assessments of the intelligence management of the Pentagon indicate that Ukraine...

End of resources. Can the Russo-Ukrainian War go to a dead end and when

Assessments of the intelligence management of the Pentagon indicate that Ukraine and Russia, without having sufficient military resources for further conducting major offensive operations, move to a dead end. Whether in a full -scale war, a stake may arise in a full -scale war. Conclusions of the Intelligence of the US Defense Ministry Headquarters, which indicate a probable deadlock in the Russian-Ukrainian war bloomberg.

According to the Pentagon estimates, Ukraine still does not have enough ammunition to compare with the ability of the Russian Federation to produce about 10,000 artillery shells a day, even after the US Congress unlocked new military assistance in April.

In turn, Russia, stated in the Pentagon, adopted a strategy for depletion of Ukraine and will be able to support the buffer zone captured by its troops, but has no power "to threaten a deeper promotion of Ukraine -controlled territory, such as the city of Kharkiv. " "So, Ukraine and Russia do not have sufficient military resources, which may indicate that both sides are moving to a dead end," the Pentagon sums up.

At the same time, the experts with whom the focus spoke with were somewhat dispersed in assessments regarding the forecasts of American scouts. In particular, political scientist Oleksandr Kochetkov in conversation with focus states the following: "I am very skeptical of allies forecasts, in particular American. We will remind that in 2022 we have repeatedly heard from them that the Armed Forces are unable to resist the Russian army in principle more than two, than two, than two. weeks.

negotiations on termination of hostilities are not on the best conditions for us. Emphasizing that the key purpose of the Russian Federation is the destruction of Ukraine as such, Alexander Kochetkov added: "Given the purpose of the Russians, we are forced to do everything to survive in this existence of war. , by the way, this is a very important point, it causes dissatisfaction, but it is not a resistance. This thematic case is for the sake of escalation of conflict.

" On the other hand, the political scientist adds, we really want Western allies to stop restricting Kiev in the context of the use of weapons. If such a decision is made, then Alexander Kochetkov is convinced, no dead angle will not be discussed in principle, as we will also have resources and opportunities that will allow effectively resistant to the enemy. The political scientist says that the forces and resources for the further wage are the political scientist.

In addition, the expert adds, the Kursk operation significantly changes the "mourning" mood that took place in Europe and the US on Ukraine. "Of course, the Kursk Operation will not change the course of war, but it will translate it to a new stage, at which the dead end is not visible yet," - sums up Alexander Kochetkov.

In his turn, the Executive Director of the Center for Applied Political Studies "Penta" Alexander Leonov in conversation with focus draws attention to the following point: "The very demonstration here is the conclusions of the Pentagon on Russia, since Ukraine is critically dependent on the help of the Allies. This addiction was also seen in practice, because when the help was blocked by the US, we had huge problems with equipment and ammunition.

It remains in the warehouses - rather spare parts and only.

" Emphasizing that North Korea technique is also a limited resource for the Russian Federation, the expert stated: "In his conclusions, the Pentagon notes that Russia is incapable of serious offensive operations, so the question is how much the Russian Federation will be ready to replace the opportunity to attack through equipment In fact, the issue of general mobilization in the Russian Federation arises here, but the fact that after the start of the surgery in Kurshchyna Putin did not go for it, testifies to the decision.

A natural step to explain to society, here's a Fatherland in danger, all running quickly to weapons and forward! The economy of Russia, states Oleksandr Leonov, is now in a "enough poor condition", which can also play a very serious role. "The fact is that in the Russian Federation, among many other economic challenges, there is also a major shortage of working skilled personnel.

On this basis, it can be assumed that the predictions about the readiness of the Russian Federation to fight for decades are not true. Russia can wage war for another two years. , no more, " - predicts Alexander Leonov. Thus, in his opinion, there is a sufficiently high likelihood that the Russian Federation will be able to put at the table of negotiations, including through China, which is not interested in Russia, "which is completely killed in every sense of the word.

" "The Chinese, for example, have actually captured the Russian auto industry and obviously the PRC is needed that Russian people have the opportunity to buy their cars," the expert argues. The political scientist also suggests that economic levers can make Russia significantly reduce their "excessive and inadequate ultimatic appetites" and sit down at the negotiating table, despite the fact that Putin is currently rejecting this opportunity.

Meanwhile, the Czech President Peter Pavel shared his reasoning about when the Russian-Ukrainian war can end. In Politalk Podcast, the Czech leader stated the following: "The war in Ukraine will continue until there is enough power to convince both parties of the inability to achieve their political goals with military means. This can happen this year following, or maybe many years. It is excluded that the conflict can go from the hot phase to the frozen, which can also last for years.

According to the Czech leader, in order for the negotiations between Kiev and Moscow, the world states, in particular, not only the United States but also China, "have to make a significant contribution to it", pushing both countries politically, economically and diplomatically. Peace negotiations also spoke on Bank.