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According to the new law, the State Security Service will be able to officially ...

Army help or lobbying? The Council allowed the State Secretariat to buy drones and means of Reb

According to the new law, the State Security Service will be able to officially supply the military, but some deputies believe that the department does not qualitatively. On Thursday, June 5, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Bill #11144, which allows the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine to purchase radio electronic struggle (IDPs), unmanned apparatus and ammunition for the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

This is stated on the official website of the government. According to the bill, the State Secretariat of Communications can now be purchased UAVs, rebells and ammunition used with drones, for their own needs, the Armed Forces, the National Guard, the State Border Service, the SBU, the National Police and other law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. The document also allows the State Secretariat to organize the provision of mentioned structures on the orders submitted.

The People's Deputy of Ukraine from the Voice Party Yaroslav Zheleznyak in his Telegram-channel reported that the law was supported by 275 deputies. People's Deputy specified that it was a "temporary event" at the time of martial law. According to him, the State Secretariat will be purchased for the needs of defense until the Ministry of Defense builds infrastructure in order to take this function.

In turn, MP from "European Solidarity" Irina Gerashchenko in her Telegram-channel noted that a separate agency was created for such purchases at the Ministry of Defense. In her opinion, the State Secretariat has no relevant competencies, so the fact of implementation of defense procurement indicates "lobbying of certain people and structures".

"We have repeatedly raised the problem of technical and qualitative characteristics of drones, which is purchased by this structure, which has no appropriate qualification. Also, many questions about the distribution of drones between units and their price! Often for budgetary funds for expensive ones buy poor quality!" - says Irina Gerashchenko. We will remind, the founder of "Antidron Ukraine" Sergey Gerasimyuk warned military and volunteers against the purchase of some remedies of HR.